Wapekeka First Nation youth attending Pelican Falls High School wins COO logo contest

Samantha Roundsky wrote a short note (see below) about her experience in submitting the winning logo to COO for this week's AFN National Action for First Nation Education ....

 Hi all,

My name is Samantha Roundsky and I am a PFFNHS student, and my home community is Wapekeka First Nation.  I submitted a piece of original artwork to the Chiefs of Ontario for a logo contest and won!  My artwork can be seen at: www.chiefs-of-ontario.org site, just click on Education-Rally for Rights.  I was able to go to Ottawa, ON. to participate in the National Education Rally on Thursday, September 23/10 to represent the NNEC students and join with hundreds of other aboriginal youth protesting on Parliament Hill.  While I was in Ottawa, I went to Museum of Civilization which was a good experience for me because I've always wanted to go to museum for First Nations people.  I also went into the Parliament Buildings and toured the Peace Tower at the end of the rally.  I was able to participate in the rally with the NNEC Executive Director, Jennifer Manitowabi.  Deputy Chief Terry Waboose introduced me to the entire rally group gathered as the logo winner.  Meegwetch for letting me represent the students of NNEC!

Samantha Roundsky