
April 2nd, 2011

Breakfast Clubs of Canada raising funds for school breakfast programs to feed children

Learn more about Breakfast Clubs of Canada visit  

Breakfast Clubs of Canada and Walmart Canada raise $3 million for School Breakfast Programs across Canada

Montreal, March 31, 2011 – Breakfast Clubs of Canada, in partnership with Walmart Canada, is proud to announce today that its Taste for Learning Tour raised a record-breaking $3 million for school breakfast programs across Canada, which ensures thousands of children have access to a nutritious start to the day.

Equity and justice for First Nations children in an open letter challenging all political party leaders

Caring Society demands equity for First Nations children in an open letter to all political party leaders

March 31, 2011

An Open letter to Stephen Harper (Conservative), Michael Ignatieff (Liberal), Jack Layton (NDP), Gilles Duceppe (Bloc Québécois) and Elizabeth May (Green)

April 1st

Matawa First Nations Management office in Thunder Bay opens job resource centre


‘A good start’

By Leith Dunick,

March 31st

Respected First Nation educator critical of INAC-AFN Education Panel planned outcomes

The recent joint announcement by INAC Minister Duncan and AFN National Chief Atleo of a blue ribbon panel on FNs elementary-secondary education has the hand prints of INAC officials all over it.  First of all, who but INAC would advance the absurd idea that a non-FNs chair should lead the panel in this day and age?  There are more than enough seasoned and qualified FNs educators and academics in Canada today who could easily fill the role and with such a critical mandate as elementary-secondary education, the entire panel should be composed of qualified FNs.

KIHS students in Sachigo Lake First Nation working together to protect the environment

Sachigo Lake First Nation Students and their collected computer waste being readied for shipping for proper disposal ... 


Eli Pivnick, the Sachigo Lake KIHS teacher reports ...

March 30th

Maori Claim for Spectrum as a natural resource and Treaty Right - a model for First Nations

Maori Claim for Spectrum as a Treaty Right

Online Presentation on March 30th

Graeme Everton delivered a presentation on Maori claims for spectrum as a treaty right. The video-conferenced and on-line presentation took place out of the First Nation Technology Council office in Vancouver on March 30.

Click here to watch the archived session

Three reference documents to this struggle to access and protect their resource detail the story from New Zealand.

March 29th

First Nation person gets $10,000 LESS than average Canadian in government spending

AFN Communiqué from National Chief Shawn Atleo

MARCH 2011

The Assembly of First Nations issues regular updates on the National Chief’s activities and work underway at the national office. More information can be found on the AFN’s website at