Archive - 2013

May 13th

May 12th

Mental Health battle underway with drug companies influencing treatments and diagnosis

From the

Psychiatrists under fire in mental health battle

British Psychological Society to launch attack on rival profession, casting doubt on biomedical model of mental illness

Making policy without concrete evidence with First Nation consultation becomes the norm of government


First Nations don't count in Harper's Canada


May 9th

Ontario covering First Nation policing funding shortfall for officers salaries as Ottawa cuts funds

From Kenora Daily MIner and News

Ontario decides to replace lost federal funding for First Nations police officers

By Alan S. Hale, May 8, 2013

One month after the Treaty Three Police laid off seven officers because the federal government funding program being used to pay them elapsed, the Ontario government has promised to replace the lost revenue.

May 8th

Latest Statistics Canada report presenting many stories about First Nations across Canada

Statistics Canada report (click on title to access)

Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: First Nations People, Métis and Inuit



Nearly half of children in foster care Aboriginal: Statistics Canada


May 5th

May 4th

Government plans to re-write Canadian history to cover past 100 years leaves First Nations out

Instead of recognizing the REAL history of this special place, learning about the land and the original people's recent history of a thousand or two thousand years ago. the government of the day is now going to try to transform Canada's history as being something that happened over the past few years. It is important to recognize Canada's TRUE history as told and understood by the original people of this land covering thousands of years ... 

May 3rd

Rapid loss of Arctic sea ice worrying governments, scientists and Indigenous people


White House warned on imminent Arctic ice death spiral

National security officials worried by rapid loss of Arctic summer sea ice overlook threat of permanent global food shortages