Ontario covering First Nation policing funding shortfall for officers salaries as Ottawa cuts funds

From Kenora Daily MIner and News

Ontario decides to replace lost federal funding for First Nations police officers

By Alan S. Hale, May 8, 2013

One month after the Treaty Three Police laid off seven officers because the federal government funding program being used to pay them elapsed, the Ontario government has promised to replace the lost revenue.

"This is excellent news for all of the First Nations policing services ... Any more money for new officers is good news for the communities," said Judith Monteith-Farrell from the Public Service Alliance of Canada, which represents the Treaty Three Police officers.

The new provincial budget is promising an extra $4 million a year for Ontario's aboriginal police forces so they can continue to pay for the 40 officers which were hired using the federal government's Officer Recruitment Fund program.

That funding ended at the end of March, leaving the police forces with officers they no longer had the money to pay for. The Treaty Three Police had to lay off all of its new hires and gut the force's regional crime unit of officers in order to maintain basic patrolling of the aboriginal communities.

Chief of the Treaty Three Police Conrad DeLaronde said he is glad one of the levels of government finally decided to address the issue, but said he isn't ready to celebrate until the budget actually passes the legislature; something he is not entirely convinced will happen.

"I used to be an optimist, but until the budget is voted on I'm not going to get my hopes up. That money will only come if the government stands and the budget is passed. Talk to me again in June when they vote on the budget," said DeLaronde.

Until money appeared in the provincial budget, both the federal and provincial governments said they expected the other level of government to increase funding to the cash-strapped aboriginal police services.

Despite its decision to make up for the cut federal money, the Ontario government is not backing down from saying the federal government is responsible for providing funding for the officers, even going as far as putting it in the budget document.

"The province cannot step in every time the federal government decides to cut funding. To continue to ensure the safety of Ontario communities, the province calls on the federal government to fully fund the police officers hired under the Police Officers Recruitment Fund and to make the funding permanent," reads the budget.

If budget does pass the legislature - which depends on the opposition - it is unlikely the Treaty Three Police will simply hire back all the officers who were laid off. Most of those officers have found jobs with other police forces or moved on to other things. DeLaronde said the money would be used to hire a new batch of recruits.

"They've all moved on, so we'll open the door to other individuals to apply to our force. But until the budget is passed we cannot even begin that process or make any promises," said DeLaronde.