Archive - Nov 14, 2004

KO Research Institute partners with National Research Council

A new research network – RICTA - has now been created thanks in part to Keewaytinook Okimakanak. The network name is Research on ICT (information and communication technologies) with Aboriginal Communities. Brian Walmark, the KO Research Coordinator, is working with Susan O’Donnell, a Research Officer with the National Research Council - Institute for Information Technology and an Adjunct Professor at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, and others to establish RICTA. Together they prepared and were successful in accessing a SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) grant for $30,000 under the Strategic Research Clusters Design Grant to assist in establishing the RICTA network.

Everyone is invited to visit the new RICTA web site at

The first RICTA members include 24 social scientists from Canadian universities, three international researchers, nine community and government representatives, and one private sector representative.

For more KO research developments, visit the KO Research Institute web site at