
Youth Xplosion Conference in Weagamow Lake



Be sure to visit our webpage: and let us know if you will be bringing any of your young people. Or call any of the following contacts for more information.




30 year anniversary of Windigo First Nations Council

30 year anniversary of Windigo First Nations Council

Hockey Tournament in Sandy Lake

Sandy Lake First Nation


1st Annual Derek Kakegamic Memorial Invitational Hockey Tournament -

May 4, 5, 6 & 7, 2005

All Season Road Announcement for Slate Falls First Nation

A partnership comprising the Federal and Ontario governments, Mckenzie Forest Products and the Slate Falls First Nation will jointly invest $8.4 million in the construction of a new permanent, all-season road linking the First Nation to the existing road system.

An announcement was made on January 21, 2003 in Sioux Lookout by the Honourable Robert D. Nault, federal Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Mines, the Honourable Jim Wilson, Ontario Minister of Northern Development and Mines, company and First Nation officials.  All parties then travelled to Slate Falls to make the announcement to the excited community members and celebrated with a feast.

In a first ever partnership to expand all-weather roads into remote areas, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is investing $2.5 million in the construction of a 50.7km all-weather road that will link the community to the Vermillion River Road which connects to Hwy. 516 Northeast of Sioux Lookout.  

The Ernie Eves government, through the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, is also contributing $2.5 million to the project.  Funding is being provided through the NOHFC's recently announced Far North Assistance Program which encourages the upgrading and development of infrastructure to support economic growth, and improve the quality of life for it's residents.

Other Partners in the project  are Mckenzie Forest Products, which is investing $3.4 million in it's share of the construction project, and the Slate Falls First Nation, which will manage the construction project.

Construction is expected to start in the spring of 2003 and is expected to be completed before the end of March 2005.  Slate Falls is located on the western shore of Bamaji Lake, approximately 140 km north of Sioux Lookout, Ontario.  The community, with a population of approximately 200 residents, is accessible primarily by air transport year-round, and by winter road during the coldest winter months.  

Pelican Falls vs Kenora Beaver Brae Broncos

On Wednesday, December 4, the Timberwolves will travel to Kenora to play against each other for the second time.

Pelican will try to tie their season record with the Timberwolves with o­ne a piece after o­nly losing o­nce to the Beaver Brae Broncos.



Several weeks ago, our primary file server died! The motherboard needed replacement and unfortunately the parts were going to take more that a few days. Fortunately our server had hot swappable drives so, with the support KNET staff, we removed one of the drives and placed it into one of the extra KNET servers. I built the server using Windows NT to mimic our primary server while it was down. In addition, with a conversion over to the KNET network to access broadband (which we were going to do eventually), we were able to share out this drive within a virtual private network and have Windigo staff access all of their data. It worked incredibly well and provided an off-site location for our data. Thanks to the KNET staff for their help in ensuring our staff were up and running with minimal delay! Allan Morrison

Slate Falls prepares for Broadband Services and KIHS

On Tuesday, June 12, Dan Pellerin and Al Morrison were able to get on a Windigo First Nations Council charter to go and complete a site survey for the new satellite dish that is being installed in Slate Falls First Nation. Slate Falls First Nation is preparing to offer a Grade 9 and 10 program for their students in partnership with the Keewaytinook Internet High School starting in September 2001. See the pictures that Dan took on this trip.

New Life Camp Meeting 2001 - Weagamow

With Peggy Kennedy as our guest speaker, ministering the word of God this summer.

For more Info Write to:
New Life Campmeeting 2001
c/o Pastor Colin Kanate
Weagamow Lake, Ontario

Or you can email me @ and I'll send you more Info.

Our New Plane In Weagamow

On Thursday May 31, 2001, the new airplane owned by Weagamow Air will be arriving to serve our community. Weagamow has now bought a nine seater plane. Everyone in Weagamow is talking about what they will use the plane for when it arrives ... ..God Bless You all......... ....James.Benson@Weagamow