Nishnawbe Aski-Nation

NAN press release on Bill 97 - hearings on Revenue and Resource sharing

Grand Chief Delivers Message of Hope and Reconciliation to First Nations Resource Revenue Sharing Bill Hearings

(click here to see the entire press release as a Word document)

(Sioux Lookout, ONTARIO) On the opening day of the Provincial Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs hearings on Bill 97, the First Nations Resource Revenue Sharing Act 2004, Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Stan Beardy delivered a message of hope and reconciliation. “Resource revenue sharing is the first step in our journey to reconcile the injustices of the past and build hope for the futures of our communities,” said Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Beardy.

Nishnawbe Aski Nation, which represents 49 First Nations in Northern Ontario, also calls on the province to pass complementary legislation to require impact and benefits agreements with all resource companies active in the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation treaty area.

The private members Bill, sponsored by NDP M.P. Gilles Bisson,  proposes a "procedure be established by which resource companies that intend to extract natural resources from First Nations traditional lands in Northern Ontario, negotiate a comprehensive revenue-sharing agreement with the First Nations and the Government of Ontario.

"“While people in Ontario and the markets of the world benefit from the lands and resources of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, our communities continue to languish in poverty. Our goal is a fair and equitable Ontario where First Nation peoples and our culture are respected and valued and where our communities share in the province’s wealth,” said Grand Chief Beardy.

The Committee hearings are being held in four Nishnawbe-Aski Nation communities, Sioux Lookout (September 20), Mishkeegogamang (September 21), Attawapiskat (September 22) and Moose Factory( September 23).

"Today's submission is intended to send a clear message to the provincial government that First Nations need revenue sharing now. The future of our youth is at stake. There is no time to waste," said Grand Chief Beardy.

The Nishnawbe Aski Nation written submission to the Legislative hearings outlines a solutions agenda of hope and reconciliation based on revenue sharing with the province, compulsory impact and benefit agreements with the resource industries, land use planning, meaningful consultation and community capacity building.

*** For more information please contact:

Stan Beardy
Grand Chief
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
(807) 623-8228

Jenna Young
Communications Officer
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
(807) 625-4952
(807) 628-3953 (cellular)

Bill 97 - First Nations Resource Revenue Sharing Act - Notice of Hearings

Notice of Hearings

The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, a Cabinet Committee of the Province of Ontario may be at a location near you to obtain your input on:

Click here to Read Bill 97 - First Nations Resource Revenue Sharing Act, 2004

On June 14, 2004 this Bill reached Second Reading. It was referred to this Cabinet Committee. It is made up of the three Ontario parties (Liberal majority). They have been empowered to consider and report to the House, its observations, opinions and recommendations on Bill 97, based on input received from affected parties.

After these Hearings, the Committee hopes to be able to report on the Bill when the Ontario Legislature resumes in the fall of 2004

The Standing Committee’s itinerary is as follows:

  • September 20 - Sioux Lookout, Ontario - Sunset Inn - 1:00 to 6:00
  • September 21 - Mishkeegogamang First Nation - Safe House - 1:00 to 6:00
  • September 22 - Attawapiskat First Nation - Parish Hall - 1:00 to 6:00
  • September 23 - Moose Factory - Thomas Cheechoo Jr. Memorial Hall - 10:00 to 4:00 

Click here to view the poster from NAN encouraging everyone to get involved in these hearings.

New NAN web-based business owned by Alanna McKenzie highlighted

New website site gets over 1200 visits last month...

Alanna MacKenzie owner manager of Nation Base Software Solutions offers First Nations custom databases to track education, health and governance performance... "The number of hits to our website indicates to me that our people really need tools to collect, analyze and report data," she said.  A member of Muskrat Dam, McKenzie also provides a news and public affairs service on the site... She provided nightly updates during the recent AFN meeting in P.E.I. ... "Our people need to know what’s going on," she said. "They’re interested and they want to be well informed." Check out Alanna's new web site...

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Keewaywin Conference 2004

NAN's 2004 Keewaywin Conference is scheduled for August 3, 4, 5, in Sachigo Lake First Nation.

There are many issues and concerns that require a unified direction so that as Nishnawbe Aski Nation we can move forward as one.

Download for more info (WORD 26KB)

NAN Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler is running for diabetes education

NAN Deputy Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler is running a marathon to raise money and awareness about diabetes. He is working with K-Net to post information on his new website about his efforts to support the Nishnawbe Aski in their struggles with this disease. Click here to check out his new web site and leave an encouraging comment for Alvin.

Alvin is one of a four-person team from Thunder Bay participating in the "Fire and Ice" marathon run in Reyjavik, Iceland. He is the only Aboriginal person on this team. 

Alvin hopes that the web site will encourage people across the NAN territory to adopt changes that will promote healthy lifestyles that will lower diabetes rates among Aboriginal people. The NAN Deputy Grand Chief wants to get the message across to as many NAN members as possible about this cause.

Schools are encouraged to organize fund-raising campaigns to assist Deputy Grand Chief Fiddler’s run.

To see the photos taken by Melanie Goodchild of Alvin practising for his run, click here.

NAN Decade office sponsoring a pro-active leadership camp for young women


The Decade Office is sponsoring a "Girl Power" Train the Trainers symposium in May in Thunder Bay.  If you are a young woman, between the ages of 18-29, residing in a NAN member community we may be looking for you.  If you are interested in creating communities that are concerned with women's issues and are willing to organize activities in your community that will enhance women's status in our society, then you should apply to participate in this training.  

The theme of this training is prevention of violence against women through leadership development.  Participants will learn how to become proactive in breaking the cycle of young women's oppression.  Upon completion of the training you will be able to speak up against social injustice and you will encourage other young women to do the same by organizing a Girl Power camp in your home community.  

All travel, meals and accommodation are covered for the 10 young women chosen for this training.

If you are interested in participating please send a cover letter, a current resume and a statement outlining how you will organize a camp in your community to the symposium planner, Nita Quequish, at NAN by fax (807) 623-5819, email: or call 1-800-465-9952 for more information.  The deadline to submit your application is May 7, 2004.

More info is also available on our website at

Melanie Goodchild,
Decade for Youth & Development Coordinator
Nishnawbe Aski Nation
ph. (807) 623-8228
fax (807) 623-5819

Osnaburgh Hydro Settlement payouts available

Please post this announcement. It is very important.

Osnaburgh (Mishkeegogamang) had the annual Hydro Settlement Payout in February of 2004. A lot of people have not come forward to claim any of their pay out and this needs to be taken care of as soon as possible.

If you or anyone you know belong to Osnaburgh band please contact Jeff Loon or Jeff Neekan at 807-928-2414 or 2148 during work hours. Thank you very much.

Nisnawbe Aski Decade Youth Council have their own web site

The NAN Decade Youth Council have their own web site up and running check it out!

Be sure to submit your community events and share your youth activity stories.

EMBRACE LIFE FORUM March 24-26 in Thunder Bay Update

If you are attending the Embrace Life Forum March 24-26 in Thunder Bay please send registration forms ASAP to NAN.  

FAX 807 623-7730

Please stop sending registration forms via e-mail as I am receiving too many viruses.

Any questions or need a registration form faxed or e-mailed to you call Donna at 1 807 623-8228 or Toll Free at 1 800 465-9952.

Funding Opportunities from NAN for youth and recreation programs

The December 29 issue of Wawatay News contained three funding competitions from Nishnawbe Aski Nation to support local youth and recreation projects.


The Nishnawbe Aski Nation Recreation Subcommittee and the Decade for Youth Development Office is seeking proposals form community-based programs to fund recreation activities this fall and winter. A maximum of $2,000 is available to youth programs and youth councils seeking support for programming in the areas of recreation / sport / leisure / leadership development. Contact Melanie Goodchild, Decade for Youth Development Coordinator at Nishnawbe Aski Nation at 1-800-465-9952 or by email at Please call for an application package. A total of 15 grants are available. The deadline for application is 5pm EST on Friday, January 16, 2004. Youth Councils are particularly encouraged to apply.


The Recreation Subcommittee is seeking original artwork submissions from NAN artists. The committee will be using the chosen artwork as a cover design for a soon to be published Recreation Resource Manual. Artists must submit their design by Friday, January 16, 2004. Please send in your original design to Nishnawbe Aski Nation Recreation Subcommittee, 100 Backstreet Road, Unit #200, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7J 1L2. The winning artist will receive a $500 fee for their design. This contest is open to all ages and professional artists are invitied to submit a design. Runner up designs may be used as artwork throughout the manual.

Request for Proposals

Nishnawbe Aski Nation is pleased to announce that we are now requesting that communities and/or Tribal Councils submit an application for a funding opportunity towards Athletic Development. A maximum amount of $3,000.00 will be given to the successful applicants that meet the criteria.

Special consideration will be given to the applicants that successfully display interest in development towards the following sports: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Boxing, Canoeing, Golf, Field Lacrosse, Rifle Shooting, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tae Kwon Do, Volleyball, and Wrestling.

Deadline for submissions will be January 23, 2004 and all projects must be completed by March 31, 2004. To receive an application or for more information please contact Carol Rowland, Special Projects Coordinator, at 1-800-465-9952 or 807-623-8228.


The Northern Ontario Indigenous Sports Network has launched a web site to promote recreation and sport in the North. If you are looking for information on sporting events, recreation activities, or looking to connect with other athletes this is the home page to visit. The web site can be viewed at See you online!