Community News

Corporate and government planning a Digital Nation agenda to help kick start the economy

Will remote and rural communities be included in these planning exercises?

From the Globe and Mail 

'Digital nation' key to economic recovery, academics say

Canada 3.0 conference seeks to help make digital media a part of the country's economic plan

June 08, 2009

Health Disparities: Unacceptable for a Wealthy Country such as Canada - final report

The Subcommittee on Population  Health of the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology final report highlights the inadequacies and inequities of First Nation health systems and services that contribute to "third world health conditions".  

Supreme Court being asked to determine outcome of question of Indian Status

From the Globe and Mail


OTTAWA — Jun. 06, 2009 - The Supreme Court is being asked to rule on the fairness of a law - widely described as racist by native leaders - that divides Canada's 1.2-million aboriginals into those who have Indian status and those who don't.

2009 "Summer Reading" Book Drive gathering material for northern First Nations

Visit the Lieutenant Governor's web site for more information at

Book Drive for Aboriginal Youth - 2009 Lieutenant Governor's Aboriginal "Summer Reading" Book Drive

June becomes National Aboriginal History Month with unanimous passing of bill in parliament

Press release ...

New Democrat Crowder’s motion passes unanimously after two year struggle

OTTAWA, JUNE 4, 2009 – MPs cheered today after a motion from New Democrat Jean Crowder (Nanaimo-Cowichan) received unanimous consent declaring June as National Aboriginal History Month.

Canada has one of the slowest and most expensive broadband networks - OECD report

From Michael Geist

OECD Report Finds Canadian Broadband Slow, Expensive 

Monday June 01, 2009

In recent months, much of the discussion about high-speed Internet service in Canada has focused on two key issues - net neutrality and the need to bring broadband access to the remaining underserved areas in rural Canada.  Both of these issues are now squarely on the public agenda with the CRTC conducting hearings on net neutrality next month and the government committing millions toward rural broadband initiatives in this year's budget.

Anniversary of the Apology to residential school survivors gathering planned in Sioux Lookout

An Evening of Music and Sharing
For the Anniversary of the Apology

What does the Prime Minister’s apology
for residential schools mean to you?

There will be an open mic, and performances by local artists.
Light refreshments will be served

Thursday, June 11th 2009

Nishnawbe-Gamik Friendship Centre

For more information, please call Katy Quinn at 737-1501

Blaming the victims creating First Nation confrontations becomes the national strategy


Aboriginal funding will 'reward excellence': Strahl

June 5, 2009

The federal government will offer extra funding as a reward to First Nations groups that have shown past successes and future potential, Indian and Northern Affairs Minister Chuck Strahl said Thursday.

The federal budget included $1.4 billion in new spending for aboriginals, and the government plans to distribute that money based on successful models, Strahl said.

Assembly of First Nations Nation Chief announces his decision to not seek re-election

AFN press release ... 

AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine Announces He Will Not Seek Re-election

     OTTAWA, June 4 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine announced in Ottawa today that he will not seek re-election as National Chief and will retire as National Chief at the end of his current term.

     The National Chief stated: