Community News

First Nation women protecting water source being taken to court by Simcoe County

Union of Ontario Indians press release

Anishinabek concerned over OPP injunctions at Site 41

Curve Lake FN, July 27 - Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee has real concerns with the OPP injunctions on the peaceful protest opposing the construction and future operation of a land fill located directly above the natural spring water of the Alliston Aquifer in Tiny township commonly known as Site 41.

"The polluters should be arrested - not the people who are protecting our water," said Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee.

National Chief Shawn Atleo Sets Forward Looking Agenda for Assembly of First Nations

AFN press release ...

National Chief Shawn Atleo Sets Forward Looking Agenda for Assembly of First Nations

     OTTAWA, July 27 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo is embarking on a strategic and forward looking agenda for the AFN. The new National Chief was elected on July 23rd at the recent AFN Annual General Assembly in Calgary, Alberta.

A new economic strategy based on sustainable environmental and social requirements

Toward A New Sustainable Economy

By Robert Costanza - March, 2009

The fallacy that economic growth can lead to improved human welfare underpins the global financial crisis. Now, we need to move beyond 'growth at all costs' and reorganise the economy based on the quality of life rather than quantity of consumption, argues Robert Costanza.


Best Practices Board Study from Aboriginal Healing Foundation - a great board of directors

A Legacy of Excellence: Best Practices Board Study Aboriginal Healing Foundation

John Graham and Laura Mitchell
May 29, 2009
The Institute On Governance (IOG)

Adam Beach, Native actor visits KO-KNET to discuss latest venture into online cable TV

Adam Beach, who spent the this week working with youth in Lac Seul First Nation, came to the KO-KNET Sioux Lookout office to meet with staff and learn about Communication Infrastructure across the region.

While at KNET, Adam introduced his latest venture into online cable TV and the production of Aboriginal content from across North America. Open Vision Networks TV - - is a new way to watch different TV channels on-line.

Celebrating the election of the new National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations

Check out some video footage of Shawn Atleo and his statements at 

From Winnipeg Sun

Atleo wins AFN election

By Bill Graveland, THE CANADIAN PRESS - July 23 2009

NOHFC funds Sandy Lake First Nation to design / plan bridge across Berens River

NOHFC press release

New Berens River Bridge Will Benefit First Nations

July 23, 2009

NAN demands Ontario immediately withdraw Bill 191 - the Far North Act

For more information about Bill 191 visit NAN's site

Click here to Sign the online petition


NAN Press Release

Crooked Words , Furcate Tongue - some thoughts about First Nation negotiations

Crooked Words , Furcate Tongue

By Charles Wagamese

In old grade b westerns we donned Hollywood wigs to chase civilized folks around. Once you caught them they’d make a nice little treaty with you. However just when you were sure it was happily ever after time you’d discover that their words were somewhat furcate.

Those civilized folks still speak with furcate- which means forked- tongue today.