Community News

Chiefs of Ontario office hosting economic development and health gatherings in 2010

From the Chiefs of Ontario web site

January 14-15, 2010
Fort William First Nation


First Nations Leaders
Federal and Provincial Government Representatives
Industry and Private Sector Representatives

First Nation run education systems required to confront crisis in Aboriginal education

From Nanaimo Daily News

National chief supports bids for native-run school systems

Jorge Barrera, Canwest News Service - December 05, 2009

Assembly of First Nations national Chief Shawn Atleo has given his support to recent calls in Western Canada to establish native-run school systems, saying doing so would provide tools for the "emancipation" of First Nations young people.

Deer Lake and Fort Severn First Nations turning on their new GSM cell phone service

Working with Keewaytinook Okimakanak ( and Dryden Municipal Telephone System (DMTS -, Deer Lake and Fort Severn First Nations turned on their new IP-based GSM network this week in collaboration with Lemko (the cell equipment provider). The new mobile service is delivering a wide range of telecom services throughout their communities and across Northern Ontario.

Kashechewan and Fort Albany First Nations Sign Impact Benefits Agreement With De Beers

Press release 

Kashechewan First Nation and Fort Albany First Nation Sign Impact Benefits Agreement With De Beers Canada

TORONTO, Dec. 3 /CNW/ - Fort Albany First Nation, Kashechewan First Nation and De Beers Canada Inc are pleased to announce the formal signing of an Impact Benefits Agreement (IBA) for the Victor Mine in the Northern Ontario James Bay Lowlands.

Please register for Northern Ontario First Nation Communications Conference

Everyone is invited to participate in the Northern Ontario First Nations Communications Conference.

You are welcome to participate via video conference from your community and contribute to the planning and development of your community's communication network.


you can participate on-site in one of the three conference locations (Timmins, Thunder Bay or Sioux Lookout),


you can join us via live radio broadcast on WRN


Telemental Health with First Nations - an open online national videoconference TODAY

Join the live videoconference TODAY!!

Telemental Health with First Nations:
A National Knowledge Sharing Event

  • 1:30pm-4:30pm Newfoundland & Labrador
  • 1:00pm-4:00pm Atlantic
  • 12:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
  • 11:00am - 2:00pm Central
  • 10:00am-1:00pm Mountain
  • 9:00am-12:00pm Pacific time.

World AIDS Day is Dec 1 - the start of Aboriginal AIDS Awareness Week - Plan activities!!

World AIDS Day
December 1, 2009 

To:     NAN Health Directors and Health Staff

From  Gwen Medicine, HIV Program Coordinator

Re:  World AIDS Day – December 1st

What is World AIDS Day?  Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 is the 21st anniversary of World AIDS Day. 

Chiefs of Ontario inviting all First Nations to join UNITY RALLY at Queen's Park

The Chiefs of Ontario Office is organizing a UNITY RALLY during their Special Chiefs Assembly to demonstrate First Nation's opposition to the HST.  All Nation citizens are being called upon to be visible and to let your voices be heard.

Youth from Marten Falls and Wunnumin Lake First Nations win Bartleman Creative Writing Award

From Wawataynews Online

Young NAN writers win Bartleman Creative Writing Award

by: Debbie Mishibinijima/Wawatay News - November 27, 2009

Two young writers from the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) territory are this year’s recipients of the James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award.

KO-KNET families celebrating the Christmas season in the Sioux Lookout Santa Claus parade

On Saturday evening, Nov 28, the KO-KNET team along with their children participated in the Sioux Lookout Santa Claus parade. Their BUSH CHRISTMAS presentation had BUSH SANTA (aka David Neegan) and BUSH MRS SANTA (aka Penny Carpenter) in the dog sled being pulled by the huskies (aka ... all the kids) going to their cabin with smoke and satellite dish (being driven by Cal Kenny and Marie Carson). Of all of Santa's helpers were walking along beside the sled handing out candy and helping everyone enjoy themselves.