Telemental Health with First Nations - an open online national videoconference TODAY

Join the live videoconference TODAY!!

Telemental Health with First Nations:
A National Knowledge Sharing Event

  • 1:30pm-4:30pm Newfoundland & Labrador
  • 1:00pm-4:00pm Atlantic
  • 12:00pm-3:00pm Eastern
  • 11:00am - 2:00pm Central
  • 10:00am-1:00pm Mountain
  • 9:00am-12:00pm Pacific time.

On December 1st, 2009, we will be holding the "Telemental Health with First Nations: A National Knowledge Sharing Event" and would like to invite interested individuals and communities to participate! This event will be co-hosted by Heather Coulson (Keewaytinook Okimakanak Telemedicine - KOTM) and Kerri Gibson (National Research Council), and it is an activity from the Telemental health with First Nations project which falls under the VideoCom project (

Visit for more information about this event

Participants across Canada can join the event and share and learn by real-time audio-video or by watching a live webstream of the event (if watching the webstream you will have the opportunity to submit questions and comments during the event!).

The objective of this event is to share knowledge, ideas and experiences about the possibilities for using telemental health and other ICT for mental health services with First Nation communities.

We encourage you to look at the Poster and the Agenda (See below) to explore other relevant information related to this event.

Please contact Kerri Gibson if you are interested in learning more about this event!

This is a multi-site videoconference event which means that participants from across Canada can all meet at the same time for the same event!

To Participate: Everyone working in mental health services and supports for First Nation communities is invited to participate. Community members are also invited to attend! Throughout the event there will be many different scheduled times for active discussion, and we are looking forward to hearing from all interested individuals!

There are three ways to participate:

  1. Join the live event by multi-site videoconference (contact Lyle Johnson from K-Net at
  2. Watch the live event on your computer via a video and audio webstream. Go to the "Live Stream" title on the left, links will be live the day of the event. You can sign in and post comments and questions that will be considered during the event and introduced into the discussion!
  3. Watch the video and audio archive of the event after it happens.

The agenda below is for Atlantic time.

12:45pm - Opening music while participating sites connect

1:05pm - Opening remarks: Elder - TBC.

1:10pm - Welcome and opening remarks: Chairs

1:20pm - Presentation 1 - Telemental Health with First Nations - Research Report -

-An exploration of the advantages and challenges of using telemental health in First Nation communities. Data from a National online survey and individual interviews will be presented.

-Kerri Gibson (National Research Council and University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB)

1:35pm - Discussion and other perspectives (all)

1:45pm - 15 minute break: live music from Pelican School violinists

2:00pm - Presentation 2 - Integrating the 7 Teachings with Telehealth -

-Tina Kakepetum-Schultz, Keewaytinook Okimakanak

-An exploration of how Keewaytinook Okimakanak (KO) has integrated the Seven Teachings into KO Telemedicine. In addition, participation in other traditional First Nation practices via videoconference, such as sharing circles and storytelling, will be discussed.

2:15pm - Discussion and other perspectives (all)

2:25pm - Presentation 3 - Telemental Health: Working with First Nations Communities in the Atlantic Region -

-Andrea Perry, Health Canada - Business Analyst, Health Information Analysis & E-Health Solutions Unit.

-A presentation on the project involving Health Authority Region 3 (in New Brunswick) and Cape Breton, which involved facilitating access to the CHOICES program at the IWK Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

2:40pm - Discussion and other perspectives (all)

2:50pm - 10 minute break: Live music from Marceline Chikane and group of talented women

3:00pm - Presentation 4 - Through the Eyes of a Clinician

-Walter Lyon, NODIN Counselling Services

-Using video for therapeutic service delivery and standardized mental health counseling education modules that are culturally specific.

3:20pm - Discussion and other perspectives (all)

3:40pm - Next steps - Chairs and all

-During this time we will explore participants' perspectives and interests in regards to continuing this national dialogue on telemental health with First Nations.

3:55pm - Closing remarks - Chairs

4:00pm - Closing remarks - Elder - TBC.