Creating provincial urban-based school boards viewed as solution for First Nation education

From the Globe and Mail

Ottawa and First Nations must collaborate on reforms to education

The Globe and Mail Editorial - Oct. 21 2012

Ottawa and first nations leaders need to work harder to bring about meaningful reform in aboriginal education.

Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace - Empowering First Nations with New Media Technologies


Aboriginal video game puts modern twist on tradition of storytelling

CTV Montreal - Oct. 20, 2012

Using a modern twist to honour centuries-old traditions, a new video game designed by young people from Kahnawake uses Mohawk legends as inspiration.

Choices - Upgrading to Windows 8 will be a challenge for many people

From CNET News

Making sense of the confusing world of Windows 8

Ready to jump into Windows 8? As if the switch from the Windows 7 interface to the Windows 8 way of doing things wasn't bad enough, deciding what type of Windows 8 or Windows RT device to purchase is another challenge.

NED Program - Bring eLearning into First Nation Elementary Schools

Attention grade 7 and 8 teachers:
The Ned Program provides online supplementary courses to students in First Nation elementary schools.  This program enables grade 7 and 8 classrooms across Ontario to participate in an online program that is free and flexible.

Creating effective training and employment strategies with First Nations and mining industry

from the Globe and Mail

Counting on first nations to fill a looming labour shortfall

WENDY STUECK - VANCOUVER - The Globe and Mail - Oct. 14 2012

City of Vancouver proclaimed Reconciliation Week with First Nations, Inuit and Metis people

Press Release from Reconciliation Canada

October 4, 2012


Vancouver, BC (Coast Salish Territories) - The City of Vancouver has proclaimed Reconciliation Week with First Nations, Inuit and Metis people starting Oct 1, 2012 (see below).

Ottawa spending millions for court battle in First Nations child welfare case

From the Globe and Mail

Ottawa spends $3-million to battle first nations child welfare case


OTTAWA - The Canadian Press, Oct. 01 2012

Wataynikaneyap Power: New Transmission Line to Connect the Remote Communities

From Wawatay News

Connecting First Nations with billion-dollar transmission line

Shawn Bell - Wawatay News

Wednesday October 3, 2012 A proposed transmission line (in green) could connect northern communities that rely on diesel generators to the southern powergrid.