NED Program - Bring eLearning into First Nation Elementary Schools

Attention grade 7 and 8 teachers:
The Ned Program provides online supplementary courses to students in First Nation elementary schools.  This program enables grade 7 and 8 classrooms across Ontario to participate in an online program that is free and flexible.

  • Improve students’ proficiency in Science, Math and English Literacy
  • Help prepare students for high school
  • Promote awareness and pride in First Nations identity, events and issues
  • Connect students and teachers from First Nations schools across Ontario


What we provide:

  • An online environment that is free, safe and private
  • Flexible participation: as the local teacher, you decide what students do and when they do it
  • Course marker: after your students submit assignments, they are marked by a qualified teacher
  • Online courses and assignments that teachers can use to supplement their classroom teaching


What's New?

This year, we have switched to a system of continuous enrolment. This means that courses no longer have a start and end date. Students are free to focus on any course, or section of a course, at any time. For example, a teacher may instruct her/his grade 8 students to complete the Science course or she/he may direct students to focus on Reflection and Refraction in section 7.  In short, it is up to the local teachers to decide how and when their students participate.

This year, the NED Program will also be participating in the First Nation/Ontario Educational Resource Bank Access Pilot. The Ontario Resource Bank (OERB) offers over 50,000 resources on any subject and any grade. You can find interactive tutorials, educational games, an extensive video library and other on-line educational material created by teachers for teachers. All teachers that are registered in the NED Program will also have access to the OERB.

Participation requirements:

  • Your class/group must be part of a First Nations school or education program
  • Students need access to computers with Internet and a word processor
  • At least one teacher (or teacher assistant) must be available to supervise local participation

To preview our courses, find more information or register your class, please visit the NED Program website.