Cable Plant trainig - Downstream Power


Upstream Power


Cable Plant trainig - Modem Reports


KO-KNET survey opens with over 140 users completing the survey on the first day

November 1 was the first day for KNET.CA email users to complete the online survey and get their names entered into the draw for cash prizes and the grand prize of a laptop.

Over 140 KNET.CA email users responded on the first day by completing the survey!!

The survey questions provide KNET.CA email account users to provide the team at Keewaytinook Okimakanak and KNET with information about how they are using the services being provided and how the KO-KNET team might improve these services for the people in the north.

Residential School survivors told - "It is important that your children know how you survived"

From the Anglican Journal

Tell your children how you survived: Justice Murray Sinclair

By: Marites N. Sison - staff writer

KO-KNET Conducts Major Survey of First Nation Connectivity with Research Partners

Press Release - October 21, 2011

KO-KNET Conducts Major Survey of Community Connectivity with Research Partners

During the month of November, KO/K-Net and the University of New Brunswick will conduct a survey of community connectivity in Northwestern Ontario. The information gathered will help identify the broadband and connectivity needs of community residents. First Nation communities and K-Net will be able to use this information to target improvements and future developments.

Sharing our ICT Stories: First Nation SchoolNet


Docs North - Group Video 2