Celebrate National Aboriginal Day by joining any planned special events

In Sioux Lookout, the Kwayaciiwin Education Resource Centre has two days of events planned at Pelican Falls Centre. Everyone is invited ... visit http://media.knet.ca/node/7008 for more information.

Across the country, events are being hosted by Aboriginal organizations to celebrate and honour the people and culture of the original people of this land.

National Aboriginal Day - Message from the Honourable Chuck Strahl

As Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, I invite all Canadians to join in National Aboriginal Day celebrations. This day is an opportunity for Aboriginal groups to showcase and share their diverse cultural heritage. And it is an opportunity for all Canadians to learn about the traditions and outstanding contributions of Aboriginal peoples across this country. National Aboriginal Day is now firmly planted within the cultural landscape of Canada.

I encourage all Canadians to find out what events and activities are taking place in their communities and take the opportunity to participate. For more information, please visit the 2009 Events page.

National Aboriginal Day is a day for all Canadians - join in the Celebration and have a happy, safe National Aboriginal Day!