Summer Solstice Pe-Anihshininiimok Celebration June 21-22, 2009 Pelican Falls

Summer Solstice Pe- Anihshininiimok Celebration - Come speak in your language

Day 1-Sunday June 21st, 2009 -Summer Solstice Day, Pelican Falls Centre             Masters of Ceremonies – Charles Brown, William Dumas, Jerry Sawanas

Time Activity and Description
Main Tent8:00 8:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.  M.C. Jerry Sawanas  Opening prayer & song followed by a pipe ceremony led by Juliette Blackhawk    Ecumenical Service with messages and hymns all done in Oji-Cree led by Bill Morris and Ophelia Kamenawatamin.
10:15 a.m. Snacks &coffee
Main Tent 10:30-12:00  M.C. William Dumas Opening Ceremonies O Canada sung in the local Aboriginal languages followed by Official welcomes from invited dignitaries, keynote speaker speaking on the importance of Language : Charlie Bighead(Lunch will follow)
12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.  M.C. Charles Brown Round one of Oratory Competition-Speech, story, legend, storytellingYouth and  Adult categories on the main stage(Top 5 to go on)
2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m.  M.C. Charles Brown Round one of drama/skit /competition Youth and Adult group categories on the main stage(Top 5 to go on)
3:15 p.m.-4:45p.m. M.C. Charles Brown Round one of the singing competition Youth and Adult categories on the main stage(Top 5 to go on)
5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Fish Fry Supper and visiting (silver collection to help with costs)
7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.   M.C.’S –William Dumas and Jerry Sawanas Concert and outdoor dancing all in done in the language in the main stage area featuring  invited entertainers: Delores Sand,  Mary and Robert Maytwayashing and other musical guests as well
10:00 p.m.M.C.’S –William Dumas and Jerry Sawanas Closing announcements, remarks and  a closing prayer

  Day 2- Monday June 22, 2009 -Education and Workshop Day, Pelican Falls Centre

Time Activity and Description
         9:00 a.m-9:15 a.m.M.C. Charles Brown and elder Charlie Bighead Opening prayer and welcome to the students,
   9:30-12:00 noon Various educational workshop stations in 6 designated areas (see below for  detailed description of each)
   12:00 noon lunch  will be provided
1:15 p.m. -3:00 p.m.  M.C. Charles Brown ·         Children groups and individuals from the schools perform a poem, a song or some other form on stage (noncompetitive) will receive certificates of Recognition.·         Red River Jig Competition for Kids(small cash prizes)
3:00 Home time for kids
3:30 p.m.- 5:30 Supper on your own, (Food booth is open)
6:00 p.m-8:00 p.m.      M.C.’s William Dumas and Jerry Sawanas Top 5 Finalists for oratory, drama, singing in both categories, youth and Adult followed by open Mic. With local guest story tellers or musicians signing up to tell a story or sing in between.(Red River Jig or Square dance demonstrations) 
8:15   M.C.’s William Dumas and Jerry Sawanas Community Awards and Language Competition winners awards  for 1st 2nd & 3rd, acknowledgements and final remarks & closing prayer by elder

Thank you to the following sponsers for making this special event possible: Anglican Church of Canada, Wasaya Airways, Celebrate Canada, IFNA, Wawatay, Bearskin Airlines, Johnny’s, Hydro One, Shibogama, SLARC, NNEC

Note:  Please bring your own lawn chairs and water, and snacks for children for between lunch and supper.

For more information call Kwayaciiwin 807 737 7373 x25