KiHS Begins 2003/2004 School Year With Classroom Assistant Training

Keewaytinook Internet High School (KiHS) started preparation for the 2003/2004 school year last week with a training session for Classroom Assistants(CAs) from 13 of our partner communities. Lyle Johnson from Weagamow and Aaron Hardy from Fort William facilitated the workshop at the Northern Chief’s office in Balmertown along with KiHS administration.

The Classroom Assistants are an integral part in the functioning and success of the KiHS program in each of the communities. At the training sessions they took part in cooperative sessions on how to set up and maintain the classroom network, how to trouble shoot software and hardware problems, as well as how to assist the students and teachers to ensure a successful year. Part of the training involved a video conference connection with k-net, the technical partner of KiHS. The week was very exciting as the CA staff prepared for the new school year and became better acquainted with the KiHS program, the equipment, and each other.

This week the CAs are back in their respective communities ensuring that the computer networks are in place and preparing the local classrooms for the arrival of the community teachers and the students.  There were 13 classroom assistants from different communities. The classroom assistants are:

  • Rita Wesley - Cat Lake;
  • James Rae - Deer Lake;
  • Rick Allen - Fort Hope;
  • Clara Crowe - Fort Severn;
  • Aaron Hardy - Fort William;
  • Andrea Ignace - Frenchman’s Head;
  • Maxine Kakepetum - Keewaywin;
  • Loretta Quoquat - Kejick Bay;
  • Lyle Johnson - North Caribou;
  • Maxine Kakegumick - North Spirit Lake;
  • Howard Moose - Poplar Hill;
  • Martha Tait - Sachigo Lake;
  • Tracey Spence - Webequie.

KiHS will begin its fourth year in September, and is fast becoming a strong educational presence in the partner communities. We are anticipating a great year with the help of all involved.

If you are interested in becoming a student in one of the KiHS partner Communities to earn secondary credits, please contact the CA in your community. They will be eager to assist you in completing an application and choosing courses.

Darrin Potter (KiHS Principal)