May 2, 2002 - 3:56pm | by Anonymous
After weeks of planning and two postponements, our commmunity's 1st Winter Carnival finally began.
Once the announcement was made on the radio station, about fifty excited boys and girls showed up at the hockey rink in a flash.They had been looking forward to this huge, long talked about event that promised fun, games and lots of prizes!
For starters, everybody got into a friendly game of soccer,then there were other games that were played in different age groups like the three legged race, Monster (yes,it's a game), sled races and snow shoe races.
For other type of games like tug-of-war and the snowman making contest, the children were divided into teams to play in. When it was time to warm up and take a break, the children were brought into the Community Centre where volunteers had hotdogs, juice and hot chocolate ready to be served to the energetic youngsters. For the spectators there were bannock hotdogs and cheeseburgers ready for sale. A game of musical chairs was also played while they were inside.
At the end of the day, prizes were given out. Each winner got the opportunity to choose his or her prize. There was also a fireworks display on the last evening. Even with the minimum amount of volunteers the three day event was a huge success. A huge thank you to all these volunteers.