Ontario government hosts a new & comprehensive online employment and training network

Ontario government press release at  http://ogov.newswire.ca/ontario/GPOE/2006/11/06/c8550.html?lmatch=&lang=_e.html

Government Provides Greater Access To Career Opportunities And Training - Employment Ontario Is Ontario's Employment And Training Network - visit www.ontario.ca/employmentontario

    TORONTO, Nov. 6 /CNW/ - The McGuinty government today launched Employment Ontario, its new, integrated gateway to training and employment services in Ontario, announced Chris Bentley, Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities.

    "Our government knows that people and employers are looking for opportunities in our expanding economy," Bentley said. "Employers looking for skilled workers and people looking for training and jobs don't always know where to start or how to use the services we have. Employment Ontario provides a single point of access to coordinated training services that help people achieve their goals."

    Employment Ontario provides seamless, coordinated training, apprenticeship and labour market services, bringing together about 470 service providers in almost 900 locations funded by the Ontario government. Employment Ontario services will help over 500,000 Ontarians this year, including 76,750 employers. Today, the McGuinty government is launching:

  • A new program name - Employment Ontario, Ontario's employment and training network - to better reflect the integrated nature of the system and what it will deliver
  • An easy-to-use new website - www.ontario.ca/employmentontario with updated training and employment system information and access to an improved database of programs and services in communities across the province
  • A toll-free hotline - 1-800-387-5656 - with expanded call centre capabilities for related services
  • New multilingual web access to program information in 21 languages in addition to English and French

    Currently, the government of Ontario will spend approximately $340 million through its Employment Ontario service delivery partners, representing an increase of $42.4 million over the past two years since 2004-05.

    "Our goal is to provide user friendly access to employment training," Bentley said. "Employment Ontario focuses on meeting local needs so that employers can find the skilled workers they need and people can pursue the training and learning they need to fully participate in our economy."

    The McGuinty government is working to provide opportunities for Ontarians. Other initiatives include:

  • Investing $6.2 billion more in postsecondary education and training by 2009-10 - the most significant multi-year investment in Ontario's higher education system in 40 years
  • Staying on track to meet our goal of 26,000 new registered apprentices per year by 2007-08
  • Investing approximately $100 million annually in Employment Ontario's apprenticeship related activities
  • Investing $127 million this year in Employment Ontario's job services to link employers with both youth and adults, including three new centres with a special focus on helping newcomers
  • Investing $63 million this year on Employment Ontario's literacy and academic upgrading programming

    "If the federal government lives up to its commitment to fund the Labour Market Partnership Agreement, Ontario can provide services through Employment Ontario equivalent to those available to other Canadians. This would mean an additional $185 million this year, growing to $314 million in 2009-10, to strengthen employment and training opportunities for Ontarians," Bentley said.

    "Employment Ontario makes it easier for businesses to find skilled workers, helps workers obtain academic upgrading and skills training, and gives more options to the unemployed who are looking, simply, for a better future," Bentley added. "Ontario can only meet its potential as a province when all Ontarians are able to reach their full potential."

See the following also on the press release web site ...

  • Backgrounder for EMPLOYMENT ONTARIO - Ontario's Employment And Training Network
  • Benefits of Employment Ontario
  • Programs and services provided by Employment Ontario