Wasaya creating employment opportunities for First Nation community members

from wasaya.com

Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF) - Aiming High-The Sky's the Limit: Propelling Aboriginal Careers in Aviation

This project aims to train 35 Aboriginal candidates over three years in seven Aviation job categories. These classifications are: pilots, aircraft maintenance, flight dispatchers, ground service equipment maintenance, operations support, business development and airline systems. Aiming High encompasses a broad spectrum of jobs including entry and mid-level positions, as well as, management trainees. This project funded in part by HRSDC will work in unison with The Sky's the Limit project (NTP) funded through MTCU and the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs.

The goal of this project is to train, upgrade (where necessary) and retain Aboriginal people in the aviation sector. The participants will initially be assessed for their Literacy and Essential Skills (LES) levels through Towes testing and experience intensive on-the-job training. In the first year, the project will support essential literacy training for candidates who require it, in addition to supporting Academic and Career Entrance or Grade 12 Equivalency (ACE) where necessary.

Aiming High will also embrace the need for supports to participants. The project has included several areas of support including; a Mentorship program, Retention Counsellor, financial supports and access to Elders and Aboriginal Role Models in the Aviation industry. These are all essential components to facilitate candidate retention and motivation. In the Mentorship program, the participants are matched with experienced Wasaya employees who will be available to give guidance, job coaching and information to participants throughout the project. The Retention Counsellor will also lend support to the individuals on a regular basis, identifying and assisting with additional supports as needed. Elders and Aboriginal Role Models in the aviation industry will be engaged to speak with participants on a regular basis throughout the project. These supports will lend encouragement, guidance and inspiration to participants.

The positions being offered will be located throughout the various Wasaya Airways base locations: Thunder Bay, Sioux Lookout, Red Lake and Pickle Lake. Some of these positions may be offered on a rotational basis. Financially, the participants will be paid a minimum wage ($10.25/hr) and may qualify for additional living allowances should they need to relocate. Wasaya also offers a very comprehensive benefit package including; dental, vision, extended health care, life insurance, travel insurance and flight benefits. All of this is provided to the participant at no cost-Wasaya pays the premiums!

Another innovative initiative that Wasaya has negotiated is the development of an Aboriginal pilot flight school in Thunder Bay. Wasaya Airways LP has an excellent working relationship with Confederation College who is willing to develop this program. This program will address the needs of this project as well as the needs of Northern Aboriginal people in acquiring the skills necessary to obtain and maintain meaningful employment in Aviation as pilots.

It is the goal of Wasaya Airways LP and this project to recruit, train and retain Aboriginal people in the aviation industry. We will strive to have an excellent support system in place for participants to ensure their success. We recognize that this may be the first job for some or that they may need to relocate and it is extremely important to Wasaya Airways that this transition be as smooth and positive as possible. We encourage all applicants to Aim High because The Sky's the Limit with this exciting new initiative!

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Tiffany Beerthuizen, Project Director at (807)474-2301 or tbeerthuizen@wasaya.com or Kerry Wabange, Recruitment and Retention Coordinator at (807)474-2353 or kwabange@wasaya.com

Current Opportunities:

If you are interested in applying to any of these positions , please quote the The Sky's the Limit project and specify the position you are applying to in your resume and cover letter and submit to:

Kerry Wabange
Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, Wasaya Airways LP
300 Anemki Place, Suite B, Thunder Bay, ON P7J 1H9
Fax: (807) 475-9681,Email: careers@wasaya.com

This Employment Ontario project is funded by the Ontario government

Kerry Wabange

Recruitment & Retention Coordinator

Wasaya Airways LP
300 Anemki Place, Suite B, RR#4

Thunder Bay, ON  P7J 1H9

807.474.2353 (phone)

807.629.7150 (mobile)
807.475.9681 (fax)
