Education Advisor Job Position with Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations available


(Northern Chiefs Tribal Council)



Under approved policies and procedures and reporting to the KO Director of Operations, the Education Advisor will perform duties related to Local Education Advisory Services for the KO First Nations.


Duties and Responsibilities include, but not limited to:

       To provide advisory and assistance to the Keewaytinook Okimakanak First Nations

       Participate in reviews of services with the Education Authority at the local level in order that the Education Authority is able to evaluate and develop plans for the future

       Evaluation of school staff and curriculum taught in cooperation with the Education Authority and/or Chief and Council

       Help communities identify their priorities with regard to the provision of educational services in the community

       To develop training programs or workshops to assist those Education Authorities function as a board with responsibilities and priorities.

       To assist and provide advice to the Education Authorities to meet their mandate as established and all other education related matters

       To provide reports as requested on all assigned duties.


Qualifications required:

       Combination of education and experience will be considered

       Knowledge of First Nation in Treaty 5 and 9

       Experience in working with boards and/or communities

       Good working knowledge of computers

       Good writing skills focusing on board policies, proposals and curriculum

       An understanding of INAC funding

       Ability to travel extensively


Please submit your resumé and 3 written references by 4:30 pm on February 23, 2012 to:

            Hiring Committee

            Keewaytinook Okimakanak

            PO Box 340

            Balmertown, Ontario

            P0V 1C0

            Fax: 807-735-1383
