A new site has been added to the K-Net platform featuring extensive online e-commerce training resources http://lone-eagles.knet.ca
Most rural indigenous communities worldwide are still struggling to develop strategies to access broadband connectivity solutions. Community networks partnering with K-Net are now ready to begin focussing on those broadband applications which can create true cultural sovereignty.
The potential exists to grow the capacity to use communication tools like Macromedia Breeze and other on-line resources to work with other indigenous communities worldwide. Teaching and demonstrating how they too, can protect and preserve their cultures by making a living, in a culturally appropriate manner, via e-commerce and telework initiatives are required. Creating successful on-line businesses and learning environments could also be the key to sustaining the Kuhkenah Network (K-Net).
Lone Eagle's best rural Innovation resources, including extensive Alaskan Native resources are available on-line at http://lone-eagles.com/future-proofing.htm
Two examples of potential clients for interested e-commerce mentors include:
I'm talking with a company seeking to create call centers in indigenous communities. They seek a single community with which to create a first success story; www.cfoadvisors.com
Just last week I had a conference call with Industry Canada. They are now trying to figure out what type of community-based programs can be rolled out in rural communities - to begin focussing on the adoption and applications that bring real benefits to real people instead of simply internet access.
The challenge is motivating citizens to get involved and to sustain their motivation by producing measurable outcomes in the short term. One such model community learning program is "Sustainable Ecommerce Education Development Strategies (SEEDS)" that is available on-line at http://lone-eagles.com/seeds.htm
Where will the first successful community learning program be demonstrated that showcases the will and vision of a community determined to prove itself sustainable?
Here are two reports on Native Entrepreneurship for everyone to review:
Lastly, the Microsoft Telecentre Support Network will be unveiled in November. www.telecentre.org
Lone Eagle's online lessons providing an easy introduction to your opportunities with entry-level ecommerce and telework are accessible to everyone at http://lone-eagles.com/ecom.htm
What tribes will lead the world in Ecommerce Innovation in order to protect indigenous cultures worldwide?
We're limited only by our imaginations!
All the best,
Frank Odasz
Lone Eagle Consulting