
December 14th

Oshki Pimache-O-Win Grand Opening

On December 14, 2001, Oshki-Pimache-O-Win held it's grand opening and open house for it's new office located in Thunder Bay. In attendance were people from NAN, INAC, NADF, NAN legal Services, local news journalists, and more. See some of the pictures at One of the programs that Oshki is currently involved in is a Digital Collections program. A group of 4 multi-media trainees, one teacher, and one writer are producing a website called, "100 Years later: The Signing of Treaty 9". The website will be ready in March 2002. Look for it then on

Keewaywin School's Christmas Supper. Dec 13/2001

Just want to post up some of the pictures that were taken during supper. Lucy Kakegamic reported the activities was very memoriable. All school staff attended the supper. As the evening wore on there was a gift exchange. The highlight of the evening was when George and Pauline Kakegamic opened their presents. See photos at

Chief George Kakekaspan addresses Broadband Canada conference

As part of the Broadband Canada Conference in Ottawa, Chief George Kakekaspan provided conference participants with an overview of what it means to have broadband connectivity in Fort Severn First Nation. George and his council (Moses, Robert and Chip) along with Madeleine and Mel, joined the conference via a video link that was sponsored by Telesat Canada. George spoke about how Fort Severn community members are using broadband services to access educational and health services along with other on-line applications (e-commerce, e-government, etc). The Fort Severn presentation can be seen at

Keewaywin Clinic's Christmas party for the community children

The clinic held their Christmas party for the community's children. The party was mainly for the young infants and children under the age of six. There was lots of refreshments, games and prizes for everyone to enjoy. The party was arranged by the local clinic staff and was coordinated by Karen Kakepetum, a staff member, who is in charge of supporting the well being of Keewaywin's children and healthy living. The kids had a ball getting to visit other children their age and playing games and sharing. Everyone had a great time. Merry Christmas Everyone! See the pictures

December 12th

DFC Awaits Christmas Holidays

On Sunday December 16th students attending the Dennis Franklin Cromarty High School will be heading back to their home communities. Communities such as Miskekogamang, Sandy Lake, Weagamow, Muskrat Dam, Bearskin Lake and all the surrounding communities are looking forward to seeing their young people again. On Monday December the 10th, the ISP (In School Program) held a feast for everyone including students, teachers and boarding home parents. Everyone had a very good time and each student recieved a gift from Santa even though he didn't make it there himself.

Keewaywin church Feast.

Last night on December 12th, the Keewaywin community Church had their annual Christmas Pot Luck feast. There were a lot of food served. There was actually a couple of times where the community had to wait for the second seating. The Church members all contributed to cooking and baking for the feast. All feast goers got to take home a brown bag full of goodies. This is just the start of the many community feasts that will be going on. Sometimes the feasts go on for more than a week. Everyone in the community sets up their own feast which they had already decided which date to pick. For the next two weeks someone is having a feast every day. It is that time of the year where everyone becomes just sick of turkey. But I like turkey. The clinic will be having their party tomorrow night. It is for the infants in the community and presents will be handed out and games played. For picture of the Church feast click

Christmas Concert in Fort Severn

The School had a Christmas Concert last night. Barney and I went over there to take some pictures. Be sure to check them out in the photo gallery at

December 11th

11th Annual NAN Business Awards a Success!

Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Award Winners Honoured The 11th annual Nishnawbe Aski Nation Business Awards event was held at the Valhalla Inn in Thunder Bay on Thursday, November 29th, 2001. Hosted by Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF), the event honours the year's outstanding Aboriginal entrepreneurs, businesses, partnerships and organizations across northern Ontario. This year's winners are: Youth Entrepreneur of the Year (Award sponsored by FedNor) Alanna Toset, Anishinabek Computer Services, Muskrat Dam First Nation Business Man of the Year (Award sponsored by Wasaya Airways) George Whitehead, Owner, Chipia Lynx Head Camp, Webequie First Nation Business Woman of the Year (Award sponsored by Hydro One) Laureen Wassaykeesic, Laureen's Grocery and Gas Store, Mishkeegogamang First Nation Building Communities Award (Award sponsored by CMHC) David Winters, Mishkeegogamang First Nation Executive of the Year (Award sponsored by Bearskin Airlines) Albalina Metatawabin, Wakenagan CFDC Development Corporation of the Year (Award sponsored by Bell Canada) Moose Cree First Nation Development Corporation, Moose Factory First Nation Partnership of the Year (Award sponsored by Indian & Northern Affairs Canada) Kathy and Ryan Brady, Northern Outposts, Landsdowne House First Nation Over 400 people attended the awards dinner and ceremony to honour the winners. The event is also a fundraising effort for the Dennis Franklin Cromarty Memorial Fund. The fund was established in memory of a past Grand Chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation and President of NADF following his untimely death in 1993. The fund awards bursaries to young Native people to encourage them to strive for high academic standards in order to achieve their true potential. Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund is an Aboriginally owned and controlled organization delivering business and financial services and programs to the member First Nations in the Nishnawbe Aski region and northern Ontario. For more information concerning the awards event and the winners, please contact: Mr. Harvey Yesno, President, NADF at (807) 623-5397 or toll free at 1-800-465-6821. Email: or check NADF's website for more information

Northern Chiefs Christmas Float

Northern Chiefs put in a float for the Annual Red Lake Parade of Lights. After a brief moment or two of panic in the afternoon when we realized the converter wasn't working... we managed to find a generator and all was fine once again. The Parade of Lights started right after our Kids Christmas party, and ended with ANOTHER visit with Santa at the Community Rec Centre. Fun was had by all the kids and staff who participated!!

K.O. Kids Christmas Party

Keewaytinook Okimakanak hosted a Kids Christmas party for the staff's children on Friday December 7th. The kids enjoyed "The Grinch", hot chocolate, hot dogs and a visit with Santa.