
July 15th, 2005

Deer Lake First Nation General Election Results

July 14 2005   


Archie Meekis       204 votes

Evelyn Meekis      125 votes

Deputy Chief

Henry Meekis      210 votes

Delbert Kakegamic     119 votes 


Albert Mamakeesic     193

George Rae       192

Randy Meekis      162

Cory J. Meekis      158

Lydia B. Meekis     144

Oscar Meekis          142

North Caribou Lake First Nation Ladies Baseball Tournament

North Caribou Lake
First Nation
Ladies Baseball Tournament

August 4 - 6, 2005

Entry Fee: $300.00 Per Team

Championship - $4,000.00 Guaranteed
Consolation - $2,500.00

Plus Trophies & Medallions

Bring your own Blankets & Toiletries

AFN's National Conference on Residential Schools in Vancouver

Assembly of First Nations National Conference on Residential Schools

“A fair and just resolution of the Residential Schools Legacy”

July 19, 20 & 21, 2005 - Vancouver, BC

National Chief Phil Fontaine invites you to participate in an information and interactive conference on Residential Schools

Conference Poster - Small | Large (pdf)
Registration form - (pdf)


Other on-line resources from the AFN Residential School web site:

  • AFN's Report on Canada's Dispute Resolution Plan to compensate for Abuses in Indian Residential Schools (Nov. 17/2004) Download the Report here: Residential Schools Report.pdf
  • Residential School Survivors Contact information Database - Please download the form here: Survivors Contact Sheet.pdf (complete and mail to the AFN)
  • Residential School Records and personal information by filling out an Informal Request form from (do not mail this form to the AFN)

July 14th

Pikangikum requesting donations to assist in search for missing youth

To all the northwestern ontario communities:

We, the people of the Pikangikum First Nation are requesting for your assistance. As you might be aware, one of our young people, Jeffery Turtle is missing. He's been gone since the 5th of July, 2005. Today is day 10.

We need assistance in food or money to help with the search. All donations will go towards helping the search parties. We need to feed the search parties. There are 2 other communites here at Pikangikum, helping out in the search plus the OPP search & rescue team.

Your donations would be very much appreciated.

For more information phone 807 773 5557 and ask for Lyle or Colin.

Thank you in advance.

12th Annual Traditional Powwow in Eabametoong First Nation

Eabametoong First Nation
12th Annual Traditional Pow-wow
July 14, 15, 16, 17,2005

Traditional Host Drum: Kitchinoodagoose
Host Drum: Bushtown Eagles
Co Host: Red Spirit Eagles

Emcee: Elmer Atlookan
Arena Director: Wayne Slipperjack

Thursday July 14
7:00am Sunrise Ceremony
- lighting of Sacred Fire
6:00 pm Ceremonies to be held
- Traditional drum- Kitchinoodagose
- Specials
- Honor songs/ healing songs
- welcoming in new dancers
- feasting of the drums
- feasting of the regalia's

Friday July 15
6:00 pm Grand Entry
- Birthday song
- etc..

Saturday July 16
1:00 pm - Grand Entry
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm - SUPPER BREAK
7:00 pm - Grand Entry

Saturday July 17
1:00 pm - Grand Entry
5:30 pm Community Feast
9:00 pm - Give away Song by
Traditional Host Drum - Kitchioodagose
10:00 pm -Retreat of the flags
Traveling song

We'll be having Specials during the pow-wow
such as 49er's, spotdance, and many more ...
so come on to Eabametoong First Nation to c
elebrate with us.

Naomi & Wanda - 242-7250
Isabelle - 242-7353
Wayne - 242-1466

Muskrat Dam First Nation 2nd Annual Invitational Volleyball Tournaments

Muskrat Dam First Nation 2nd Annual Women's Invitational Volleyball Tournament

August 24 - 27, 2005
Confirmation deadline: August 17, 2005

Entry Fee:

  • $ 400.00 for outside teams
  • $ 500.00 for local teams
  •  To be paid before first game
  • Prizes will be determined by number of confirmed teams

Accommodations will be provided. Please bring sleeping gear.

For more information call: Dawn Beardy @ 471-2573 / 2574 Madeline Duncan @ 471-2544 / 2577

Muskrat Dam First Nation 2nd Annual Men's Invitational Volleyball Tournament

August 24-27, 2005
Confirmation deadline: August 17, 2005

Entry Fee:

  • $ 500.00 outside teams
  • $ 600.00 local teams

100% payout to the Championship

  • one cash prize only and trophy
  • Accommodations will be provided.
  • Please bring sleeping gear.

For more information, please call: Dawn Beardy @ 471-2573 / 2574 Madeline Duncan @ 471-2544 / 2577

July 13th

The 2005 Sioux Mountain Music and Cultural Festival

Join us at the Town Beach in Sioux Lookout July 29th to July 31th for the annual Sioux Mountain Music and Cultural Festival.

The Festival features over 100 exhibitors of the finest crafts, drumming workshops, visual arts, food products, music, along with children's craft activities and cultural entertainment. There will be musical performances by local artists such as YXL, the Most Certain End and Elizabeth Hill. The event will be held at the town beach.

For more information contact Patty Chabbert at 737-1501.

Sponsored by the Sioux Lookout Anti-Racism Committee

Treaty 9 Commemoration Document Exhibit at Sioux Lookout Library

From the official Treaty Nine Commemoration web site at ...

An exhibition of original Treaty 9 documents (including the original treaty) are on loan from the National Archives of Canada and available for viewing at the Sioux Lookout Library. The Treaty 9 Exhibit is free and open to public.

Dates and times of Showing are:

  • Wed July 13 11am to 5pm
  • Thu July 14 2pm to 8pm
  • Fri July 15 11am to 5pm

Contact Sioux Lookout Public Library at 807-737-3660 for more information.

Web cam at Keewaytinook Okimakanak office in Sioux Lookout

As a way to demonstrate broadband applications, Keeweaytinook Okimakanak is hosting a web cam at their Sioux Lookout office. Click here to check out the current image

A second web cam is located in Jamie Ray's home to overlook Pelican Lake with the float planes landing. Click here to click that Sioux Lookout scene.

July 12th

Treaty Nine's 100 year commemoration ceremonies in Mishkeegogamang

aab.highlight.jpgMishkeegogamang First Nation and Nishnawbe Aski Nation are hosting the 100 year anniversary celebration of the signing of Treaty Nine today.

Minister of State Ethel Blondin-Andrew, on behalf of the Minister of INAC, congratulated the people of Treaty 9 on their contributions to Canada over the past 100 years. "These contributions have shaped the history of this country, and have assisted in making it what it is today," she said. "As a signatory to the treaty, the Government of Canada looks forward to a successful and prosperous partnership with the people of Treaty No. 9 in the next 100 years."

Watch the live webcast of this event at and select the display set up you require. Click here to see some photos of the event.

News Release #2-02690


MISHKEEGOGAMANG, ONTARIO (July 12, 2005) - Today, the Honourable Ethel Blondin-Andrew, Minister of State (Northern Development), on behalf of the Honourable Andy Scott, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, joined 49 First Nations from northwestern Ontario at Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation to commemorate the 100th anniversary of James Bay Treaty No. 9.

Minister of State Blondin-Andrew congratulated the people of Treaty No. 9 on their contributions to Canada over the past 100 years. "These contributions have shaped the history of this country, and have assisted in making it what it is today," she said. "As a signatory to the treaty, the Government of Canada looks forward to a successful and prosperous partnership with the people of Treaty No. 9 in the next 100 years."

Treaty No. 9, also known as the James Bay Treaty, was first signed on July 12, 1905 at Osnaburgh, (Mishkeegogamang). The treaty, which covers 90,000 square miles spanning much of northern Ontario, was the first "tripartite" treaty that involved the Government of Ontario as a third party. The Treaty was completed in 1906 with adhesions made in 1929 and 1930.

Fifteen Treaty No. 9 communities, who signed the treaty in 1905-1906, will be holding events during 2005-2006 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the specific dates when they first signed the treaty.

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is providing approximately $570,000 to Mishkeegogamang First Nation and Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) in support of these events.  To date, this funding has gone toward assisting grass-roots fundraising efforts and the construction of an access road.  The funds will also help with costs associated with planning, coordination and hosting commemoration events.

Please see Backgrounder "James Bay Treaty No. 9" for further information.

The Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation is located approximately 320 kilometres north of Thunder Bay, Ontario.

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This release is also available at:

For further information, please contact:

Susan Bertrand
Senior Information Officer
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
(807) 624-1531
(613) 988-8688


The construction of the railway in the late 19th century brought changes, which, although generally positive for those Aboriginal people who lived near the railway line, interfered with the livelihood of the Cree and Ojibway people living further from the line.

In response to the requests by Aboriginal people of Ontario for support from the federal government, in 1903 a new treaty was proposed for the Superintendent-General's consideration. This was to be called Treaty No. 9, or the James Bay Treaty.  Treaty 9 was unique because, while most post-confederation treaties in Ontario involved only the Government of Canada and First nations, it was the first of a few that involved the Government of Ontario as a third-party.  This type of treaty is known as a "tripartite" agreement.  On May 8, 1905, Frank Pedley, Deputy Superintendent-General, sent the Commissioner of Crown lands a draft order-in-council outlining the proposed terms of the treaty.

The province requested two important changes: that reserves be chosen by the treaty commissioners with one of them being a provincial appointee; and that the federal government bear the cost of the treaty and pay the Ontario commissioner. An agreement was formally signed on July 3 and by Order of His Excellency in Council, dated 29 June 1905, two federal commissioners, and an Ontario commissioner, were appointed to negotiate a treaty with the Indians.

While other treaties were signed with chiefs gathered in a central location to sign, Treaty No. 9 was brought to signatory communities to secure the signatures of the chiefs. Treaty No. 9 was first signed at Osnaburgh (now known as Mishkeegogamang Ojibway Nation) on July 12, 1905.
After the signing, the treaty commissioners paid out a gratuity of $8 to nearly 350 people, with an annuity of $4 to be received thereafter. The traditional Chief, Missabay, was also presented with a twelve-foot Union Jack.

During the remainder of 1905, the treaty commissioners continued to secure the signatures of Fort Hope, Marten Falls, English River, Fort Albany, Moose Factory, New Post, and Abitibi. In 1906, the tour continued to include Matachewan, Mattagami, Flying Post, New Brunswick House, Chapleau, and Long Lake.

In 1923, discussions, between Ontario and the federal government commenced on the subject of adhesion to Treaty No. 9 and an official tour set out during the summer of 1929. On July 5, 1929, the commissioners arrived at Big Trout Lake where the adhesion was signed by the traditional chief, Sampson Beardy. The following summer, in 1930, adhesions were signed at Windigo Lake, Fort Severn and Winisk. Together, with the territory acquired in 1905-1906, Treaty No. 9 took in more than two-thirds of what is now the Province of Ontario.

For more detailed information regarding the signing of Treaty 9 and to see the treaty document, please visit the Treaties website at