
April 18th, 2007

Fundraising efforts for Sioux Mountain Grade 8 school trip to Toronto


Thanks to all ticket buyers on the 50" Plasma TV.  The winner was Hubert Moe of Hudson. 
Our next fundraising event will be the Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at the Spelling Bee to be held at Queen Elizabeth High School Room 19 on Sunday, April 22, 2007 starting at 8 am.   This event is open to the public. 

Adults $8.00 12 and under $5.00.  A variety of lunch items will also be sold. (see the poster below)


Sioux Moutain Parents will have a table to fundraise for the Toronto Trip.  If you have items to donate please contact me or Chris Larsh or Ruth Coughlin at the school. 
Tickets will be out soon for the Annual Boat and motor draw.  Tickets will be sold at Johnny's and various business outlets.
Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts!


Tobacco-Free Talent Search! Come and Audition in Thunder Bay

Do you have a talent?  Are you in between the ages of 12-18? Smoke-free?

Do you have a talent you can show off? Can you sing? dance? do impressions? tell some jokes? you can do anything.

The last Audition date is on Wednesday April 25th at 6-9pm at 511 E. Victoria Ave. Regional Multicultural Youth Center right beside Armonies and across from Victoriaville. HURRY because Finale is on April 27th at D.F.C. High School


There are also a second prize

Climate change and community well-being in Northern Ontario research funded

LU and NAN are partnering to conduct a SSHRC funded research project entitled "Climate change and community well-being in Northern Ontario". Other funded projects involving Northern Ontario include:

  • "Capacity building in Fort Albany First Nation: traditional territories environmental impact assessment and community-based monitoring as related to resource development in the Mushkegowuk Territory"
  • "Subjective well being and Northern Canadian social workers"

SSHRC press release ...

Northern Research at the Forefront for SSHRC - New grants will invigorate northern social and environmental research

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(April 17, 2007) - With the advent of International Polar Year (IPY), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) has announced close to $700,000 in grants to support research on Canada's North by academic experts working in collaboration with community and government partners.

The diverse projects will add a human perspective to IPY-sponsored research by examining past and present conditions in Northern communities as well as their potential for social and economic development. Topics range from the impact of Northern issues on foreign policy, to Inuit cultural history, to the economics of sport tourism. Several projects will focus on environmental issues, including Northern perspectives on climate change, social impacts of resource development in the Mackenzie Valley, and management of the Hudson Bay beluga population.

"SSHRC-supported research will improve our knowledge of the history and cultures of the North and its peoples and help chart a path for the future of Arctic and Northern communities," said Chad Gaffield, president of SSHRC. "This new research will enable a better understanding of the unique communities and environment of the North."

The Northern Research Development program was designed to help develop and revitalize Canadian research in and on the North. Since the program's creation in 2003, SSHRC has invested $3.2 million to support research on Northern communities, history, social dynamics and languages.

Seventeen new projects received grants. They involve university researchers from a dozen universities across Canada, as well as partners from federal, provincial and territorial government agencies, professional associations, and Aboriginal governments and organizations.

"The North is vast, the issues affecting it are complex, and its importance not well understood," said Gaffield. "We are pleased to contribute to a growing national and international research effort that acknowledges the cultural, ecological, and geopolitical importance of this vast region."

Visit the SSHRC website ( for a list of successful candidates.

Note to editors: SSHRC is an independent federal government agency that funds university-based research and graduate training through national peer-reviewed competitions. SSHRC also partners with public and private sector organizations to focus research and aid the development of better policies and practices in key areas of Canada's social, cultural and economic life.


Ian McLeod
Media Relations Advisor
613-947-4629 Cell: 613-294-6203

From the list of successfully funded projects ...

Applicant: Raynald Lemelin, Lakehead University

Margaret Johnston, Lakehead University
Norman McIntyre, Lakehead University
Rhonda Koster, Lakehead University

Partner: Nishnawbe Aski Nation, Thunder Bay ON

Title: Climate change and community well-being in Northern Ontario
Value: $39,900
Duration: 2 years/2 ans

Applicant: Leonard Tsuji, University of Waterloo
Co-applicant: Graham Whitelaw, University of Waterloo

Title: Capacity building in Fort Albany First Nation: traditional territories environmental impact assessment and community-based monitoring as related to resource development in the Mushkegowuk Territory
Duration: 2 years/2 ans

Aboriginal Sport Circle announce finalists for coaching and achievement awards

ASC press release ...

Aboriginal Sport Circle Announces Regional Awards Recipients

April 17, 2007

AKWESASNE, Ontario - The Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC) is pleased to announce the National finalists for the 2006 Tom Longboat and National Aboriginal Coaching awards.

The ASC accepts nominations from the sport and recreation community to honour outstanding Aboriginal athletes and coaches each year. These prestigious awards honour the accomplishments of amateur athletes and coaches of Aboriginal ancestry for 2006.

“To honour and recognize the excellent achievements of Aboriginal athletes and coaches from coast-to-coast is important to our people,” said Rod Jacobs, Manager of Aboriginal Sport Development at the ASC. “Celebrating the successes of deserving sport leaders is a priority of the Aboriginal Sport Circle.”

Winners of the awards demonstrate excellence in sport through athletic and coaching achievements and are embedded in community development through leadership and mentorship. Athletes and coaches continue to develop holistically by giving back to their communities and ensuring youth have exposure to sports, recreation and physical activities.

This is the 100th anniversary of legendary marathon runner Tom Longboat’s amazing Boston Marathon victory in 1907.

The National Selection Process is underway and will conclude on April 19, 2007.

The 2006 Tom Longboat and National Aboriginal Coaching Award winners will be announced at the 2007 National Aboriginal Hockey Championships in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan at the Aboriginal Sports Excellence Awards Banquet. This will take place on Thursday, May 3, 2007, 6:30 pm local time.

2006 Regional Male Tom Longboat Award finalists


2006 Regional Female Tom Longboat Award finalists


2006 Regional Male Aboriginal Coaching Award finalists


2006 Regional Female Aboriginal Coaching Award finalists


The Aboriginal Sport Circle is Canada’s voice for Aboriginal sport and recreation, which brings together the interests of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The Aboriginal Sport Circle was created through a national consensus-building process, in response to the need for more accessible and equitable sport and recreation opportunities for Aboriginal peoples.

For Additional Information:

Marcia Trudeau
Community and Communications Coordinator
Aboriginal Sport Circle
275 MacLaren Street
Ottawa, ON
K2P 0L9
(613) 236-9624 - tel, ext. 223
(613) 938-9181 - fax

AFN lobbys to get promises fulfilled on 25th anniversary of 1982 Constitution

AFN press release ...

AFN National Chief acknowledges 25th Anniversary of section 35 of Canada's 1982 Constitution as a victory for First Peoples but a vision yet to be realized

35. (1) The existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada are hereby recognized and affirmed.
- The Constitution Act, 1982 (Part II, Rights of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada)

            OTTAWA, April 17 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine today commented on the 25th anniversary of section 35 of Canada's 1982 Constitution Act.

            "Twenty-five years ago today, Aboriginal peoples secured an important victory at the Constitutional table. The victory is section 35 of Canada's 1982 Constitution Act, which recognizes the existing Aboriginal and treaty rights of the First Peoples of Canada. Section 35 is important because it recognizes that Aboriginal peoples have different rights from other Canadians by virtue of being the First Peoples of this land, who never surrendered or gave up those rights to any government. It recognizes that our rights are "inherent" - they are within us, not gifts from government to ignore or deny at their whim. And it recognizes that Canada must honour and respect these rights.

            Aboriginal and Treaty rights are a reality and are part of our country's legal and political landscape. And yet, a quarter of a century later, First Nations continue to challenge the federal government to honour the spirit, intent, and content that section 35 promised. Federal policy and legislation has failed to respond appropriately to section 35.

            The federal "inherent right" policy, for example, attempts to define, prescribe and limit for us what our rights are. As a result, negotiations are based on a limited and narrow definition. The federal government's land claims policy moves at a glacial pace and is further compromised by a conflict of interest in which the federal government is judge and jury in claims brought against it. It is failing First Nations and costing Canadians hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

            In general, federal negotiating policies are not designed to create success. They are designed to create 'wins' for the federal government by limiting the scope of First Nations rights and First Nations governments. We have seen in recent weeks the concerns by First Nations in BC over the Treaty process. Many have expressed serious concerns about the limited, narrow scope of the discussions.

            None of this is good for First Nations or Canada. It creates frustration for the political leadership. It creates conflict on the ground within our own communities and with non-Aboriginal Canadians.

            There is hope, however, in this situation.

            This generation has the opportunity to right the wrong of the last twenty-five years. We can work together to give life to the promise of section 35. As the Supreme Court wrote in the Sparrow decision, 'Section 35 calls for a just settlement with aboriginal peoples.'

            The problem to date has been the failure of any government to truly recognize our jurisdiction over our own lands and our own peoples. First Nations are only asking what other Canadians take for granted: that our rights be respected and implemented.

            Giving life to section 35 means sitting down as partners and talking about the new structures we need to revitalize First Nations governments - getting out from under the colonial Indian Act and the archaic mandate and practices of the Department of Indian Affairs. We need new fiscal arrangements that enable First Nations to truly invest in their people, their communities and their future.

            A new approach is urgently required to deal with the outstanding, legitimate land claims of First Nations. Land is central to our economic, political and cultural freedom. None of this means turning back the clock or putting a stop to all economic activity. It means fair settlements that allow First Nations to enjoy - on their own or with industry and government - the benefits of the riches in our traditional territories.

            First Nations have a plan for action. And, there is no excuse not to act. It is cheaper to fix the problems than it is to maintain the status quo. First Nations want to end dependency and work towards self-sufficiency. We are seeking tools, not hand-outs. We want to work in partnership with all governments to improve the lives of our people. In honouring its obligations to First Nations, the government will be helping First Nations to help themselves.

            Section 35 represents a promise, and a vision. But, because the promise goes unfulfilled, the vision cannot be realized. Our greatest legacy to future generations will be to secure this vision and promise for all Canadians. Fulfilling this vision will help fulfill Canada's potential. As a result, Canada will be a strong and productive country that is seen as a leader in respecting and recognizing human rights and Aboriginal rights of Indigenous Peoples.

            Today, we celebrate the achievements of our forebears who secured the recognition of our rights. And in looking forward, we extend a hand to all the peoples of this nation to work with us to breathe life into the spirit and intent embodied in the words of section 35."

            Phil Fontaine
            National Chief

            The Assembly of First Nations is the national organization representing First Nations citizens in Canada.


/For further information: Bryan Hendry, A/Director of Communications, (613) 241-6789 ext. 229, cell (613) 293-6106,; Nancy Pine, Communications Advisor - Office of the National Chief, (613) 241-6789 ext 243, (613) 298-6382,

April 17th

Northern Development Council video conferencing dialogue with First Nations

The Northern Development Councils (NDCs) invite you to a videoconference dialogue on Growing and Strengthening Northern Business. All are welcome! 

April 19, 2007 9:30 to 11:00 CST at a video conferencing site  in your community (for those who register)!

Northern Development Councils (NDC) are advisory councils that provide advice about provincial policies and programs to the Minister of Northern Development and Mines, Rick Bartolucci. Come and meet your representative for the far north, Russell Wesley.

The NDCs would like your input to prepare recommendations to the Minsiter in the areas of aboriginal business, community infrastructure, transportation systems, health care, improvements to existing resource sectors, new technology, research and education and others.

Please register for this video conference by contacting
Terry Moreau (fx) 807.768.4817 (ph) 877.737.5638 X1266

If you are unable to attend a dialogue session in your area, and would like to contribute, please complete the ONLINE SURVEY before April 22, 2007.

For more information visit the following websites:

KO Online Economic Development Workshops

Northern Development Councils

New web site to support Aboriginal businesses and entrepreneurs

Federal Government press release ...

Aboriginal Firms Click and Go Global

Across the country, there are over 27,000 self-employed entrepreneurs of First Nations, Métis and Inuit heritage who are creating economic opportunities in their regions and making important contributions to Canada’s economy. Their businesses are growing, reporting profits and gaining ground in higher knowledge sectors such as professional, scientific and technical services.

While the majority of Aboriginal businesses sell their goods and services in Canada, 13% are now exporting goods and services to other countries.

One way the Government of Canada is helping Aboriginal businesses look beyond the country’s borders is through, a website launched to help Aboriginal businesses—especially smaller firms—tap into global trade opportunities.

“As important as it is for Aboriginal companies to build their business within Canada, it is equally important for them to look at expanding to other countries,” says David Emerson, Minister of International Trade. “The website brings together, for the first time, targeted export information for a range of sectors where Aboriginal businesses are making their mark—sectors like tourism, cultural industries and natural resources.”

The website highlights the products and services of Aboriginal entrepreneurs so that prospective international customers can easily find information about what Aboriginal businesses have to offer. Canadian trade commissioners working abroad can also access the site to match potential buyers and partners for Aboriginal businesses.

“The Aboriginal business and international trade website will be an important tool in helping businesses make the most of global opportunities, particularly those emerging from the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the 2010 Games in Vancouver-Whistler,” says Emerson.

This website was developed by the same firm that developed and maintains INAC's Aboriginal Portal - Alika Internet Technologies Inc ( Other sites they develop and maintain include:

Apparently this latest site was developed in collaboration with Aboriginal businesses, economic development officers and Aboriginal service providers across Canada.

For more information, go to

April 16th

Job Opportunity - KO Director of Operations in Balmertown


Keewaytinook Okimakanak is seeking to hire a full time Director of Operations who will have the overall responsibility to the organization, direction and operations of the administration office.


  1. Administration and Financial Management
  2. Implementation of Workplans, Resolutions and Directions
  3. Reporting of Tasks and Activities Completed
  4. Chiefs Meetings Coordination


  • Demonstrated personal commitment to improve the lives and protect the rights of the First Nations people.
  • A post Secondary degree in business administration, political science or management related fields; and/or a minimum of (5) years of senior management experience in a First Nation or government organization,.
  • Competency in understanding financial statements and cash flow projections.
  • Demonstrated skill in the area in issues of staff management.
  • Excellent communication skills in the area of report/brief preparations, proposal development and general information sharing.
  • Demonstrated skill in the area of computers; Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.
  • Ability to speak/write Ojicree, Cree and Ojibway will be considered an asset.


The salary is negotiable based on experience and qualifications.

To Apply

Submit your resume, 3 professional references and a cover letter outlining your qualifications no later than the closing date, April 30, 2007, at noon to:

Geordi Kakepetum, Executive Director
Keewaytinook Okimakanak
P.O. Box 340, 8 Mine Road
Balmertown, Ontario
P0V 1C0

For more info, please call 1-807-735-1381, ask for Geordi Kakepetum

Have YOUR say - How important is Connectivity in Aboriginal communities?

A roundtable discussion is being held today in Sioux Lookout in the SLAAMB boardroom "about the impacts of connectivity and social capital in Aboriginal communities in Canada. The goal of this work is to produce a document that reflects the potential of connectivity and information and communication technology in relation to social capital in Aboriginal communities in Canada."

Everyone is invited to contribute to this final document by:

  • joining the discussions either today (Monday, April 16) or tomorrow in the boardroom in Sioux Lookout (video conferencing connections are available - just call Lyle at 877-737-KNET (5638) ext 1387 to join the session); OR
  • sharing your thoughts in the online discussion forum at the K-Net Meeting Place at

From the study's Meeting Place web site at ...

The study "Increasing Aboriginal Social Capital" is being conducted by the University of Manitoba in partnership with Crossing Boundaries National Council, and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

This study seeks to examine the idea of social capital from an Aboriginal perspective, specifically in relation to the potential of information and communication technology.

Discussions are welcomed related to how connectivity is impacting Aboriginal communities. As well, sharing experiences about the issues and challenges around the implementation and sustainability of the new technologies and networks. Personal experiences are especially welcomed. This site can also be used as a means through which to share work and research material on related topics. 

Feedback and comments of the Preliminary Paper (available on the web site) are welcome and can be send to

Social capital characterizes a community based on the degree that its resources are socially invested, that it presents an ethos of trust, norms of reciprocity, collective action, and participation, and that it possesses inclusive, flexible and diverse networks.  Social capital of a community is assessed through a combination of its bonding (within group relations), bridging (inter-community ties), and linking (relations with formal institutions) dimensions.

A link to a discussion forum where you can post any questions or thoughts you may have regarding the topic or where you can respond to and add your input to discussion topics posted by others. To access this discussion forum click on IASC.

The study "Increasing Aboriginal Social Capital" is being conducted in partnership with the Crossing Boudaries National Council which recently conducted the Aboriginal Voice project.

The Aboriginal Voice initiative focused on:

  • creating a forum for Aboriginal communities and organizations to have dialouges around e-government and e-democracy in a multi-stakeholder context;
  • raising the profile of Aboriginal ICT opportunities and challenges at both the national and regional levels; and
  • enriching and informing the dialogue and agenda of the Crossing Boundaries National Council by raising their awareness of Aboriginal specific e-issues.

Click here to access the final report of the Aboriginal Voice National Recommendations "From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity".

National Research Centre researcher visits KO team in T.Bay and Sioux Lookout

Susan O'Donnell ( travelled from Frederiction, New Brunswick to Thunder Bay where she met with KO staff at the KO Research Institute. Visits KO partners at the Metis Nation of Ontario, Oshki and Fort William First Nation KIHS classroom provided Susan with the opportunity to meet with people using video conferencing to support program and service delivery.

Susan is working with KORI and K-Net team members to examine how video conferencing and online video material is supporting Keewaytinook Okimakanak and our partners in developing and supporting their programs and services. For more information about the Videocom research initiative, visit its web site at (you must log into the K-Net Meeting Place).

Susan works at the National Research Council (, a Canadian national research agency. She is a researcher specializing in the communications and social aspects of ICT (information and communication technologies). Her positions include:

  • Research Officer, People-Centred Technologies Group, National Research Council Institute for Information Technology
  • Adjunct Professor, Sociology, University of New Brunswick

Her work analyzes:

  • Communications aspects of ICT (primarily how people and groups use the Internet to communicate)
  • Social aspects of ICT (social, economic, political, cultural issues surrounding ICT) 

Her research builds:

  • Understanding (social science analysis leading to improved policies and use of ICT)
  • Technology (social science analysis as part of a multi-disciplinary technology development team)