Community News

First Nation responds to government's $90,000 a day "accounting" firms' smear campaign


The true scandal of First Nations' funding -- not the Deloitte and Touche version!

By Karl Nerenberg | January 9, 2013

First Nations Education Act creating Native-run school boards being pushed by government

From the Globe and Mail

Education reform to trump property rights in first-nations talks with Tories

John Ibbitson - OTTAWA - Jan. 07 2013

The Conservative government is making education reform the dominant priority in native affairs in 2013, at the expense of reforms to property rights.

Saskatchewan 71 year old First Nation elder, Emil Bell, continues to fast and speak out

From Sask Star Phoenix

Hunger strike aimed at Harper's First Nations policies

By Charles Hamilton, The StarPhoenix January 5, 2013

Countering the racist and ignorance towards First Nations with education, kindness, respect

From Elysebruce blog

Idle No More: About Those Indians

January 5, 2013 - Elyse Bruce

This morning, I was shocked to see some of my Facebook friends posting racist comments about the Idle No More movement.   Yes, shocked, as in "a severe offense to one's sense of propriety or decency; an outrage."

What in the world could anyone have said that would evoke such an emotion?

Idle No More protests escalate to help Canadians understand the importance of treaties, environment


Idle No More protests target bridges, roads across Canada

Some crossings shut down by First Nations demonstrators

Jan 5, 2013

Decades of First Nation resistance in Canada inform today's Idle No More movement


Placing #IdleNoMore in Historical Context

Three decades of Indigenous resistance in Canada inform today's movement.

By Glen Coulthard

Legal presentation of the government Bills directly affecting First Nations and Idle No More efforts


A Legislative Road Map As Idle No More Revs Up

Lorraine Land - January 3, 2013

What is "Idle No More"?  Why are roads and railways being blocked? Why is Chief Spence starving herself to death? Where is this grassroots campaign going?  This blog provides some links to a resource explaining the legislation which is triggering the campaign, and a little commentary.

Harper finally agrees to meet with First Nation chiefs on January 11


Harper to meet with First Nations chiefs Jan. 11

Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence's hunger strike goes into 25th day

Jan 4, 2013

As Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence's hunger strike continues for its 25th day, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's office has announced that he will attend a "working meeting" with a delegation of First Nations chiefs on Jan. 11.

Divisive politics and media coverage affecting all Canadians and further alienates First Nations

From the Toronto Star

Canada's new politics of discord could carry a heavy price

Michael Valpy - January 01, 2013