Community News

Billeted First Nation students seeking compensation as part of government's residential school policy


Residential school compensation pursued by 'billeted' students

By Jody Porter, Posted: May 08, 2014

Health Canada's addiction treatment program in First Nations once again facing funding crisis


Doctor worried about future of First Nations addiction program

Dr. Chetan Mehta says suboxone treatment to manage opiate addiction has made a 'profound' difference

Posted: May 06, 2014

Assembly of First Nations to be run by executive committee until new leader elected


Assembly of First Nations to be run by executive until new leader elected

AFN will hold a special chiefs assembly to discuss the First Nation education bill later this month

Posted: May 06, 2014

First Nations Education Act on hold after resignation of AFN National Chief


Shawn Atleo Resignation: Regional Chiefs Mull Next Steps

By Steve Rennie, The Canadian Press Posted: 05/05/2014

First Nations control of education taking a front stage in debate about what is best for students

NOTE: A settler perspective highlights the challenges First Nation leaders face in changing the public understanding about the realities of providing a full education program in First Nations. 


Shibogama and Windigo First Nations developing energy plans with funding from Ontario Power Authority

Press release

The OPA and Aboriginal Communities Work Together To Deliver Community Energy Planning

29 Aboriginal communities to develop energy plans

TORONTO, May 2, 2014 /CNW/ - The Ontario Power Authority (OPA) is supporting 29 Aboriginal communities in developing their community energy plans through the Aboriginal Community Energy Plan (ACEP) program.

Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo resigns over First Nations Education Act

AFN Press Release

Statement from Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo

OTTAWA, May 2, 2014 /CNW/ - Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo made the below statement in Ottawa, ON today.

"I have stated clear priority on the recognition of Treaty, of Indigenous rights and title, on the safety and security of our most vulnerable, and I have also made my priority on education for our kids plainly clear.

First Nations to be members of Ontario development corporation planning Ring of Fire transportation

Ontario press release

Ontario Investing in the Ring of Fire

Province Moving Forward with Support for Strategic Infrastructure

April 28, 2014

The Ontario government is prepared to commit up to $1 billion to develop strategic all-season industrial and community transportation infrastructure in the Ring of Fire.  

Ontario needs a partner and is calling on the Federal government to equally match this funding to build the infrastructure required for this important project in the north that will create jobs and boost the northern economy.

Federal Court ruling could open door to equal funding for First Nations children


First Nations child advocate wins 1st battle with Ottawa on services

Cindy Blackstock filed human rights complaint over funding of child services on reserves

By Jennifer Clibbon, CBC News