Community News

Economic Development Summit, Nov. 17 to 19 in Sioux Lookout exploring First Nation partnerships

From Northern Ontario Business

Chiefs, industry experts gather for Sioux Lookout economic summit - Urban reserves offer avenue to First Nation self-reliance

By: Ian Ross

Sioux Lookout is considering getting the province's first urban reserve.

Sioux Lookout is taking a serious look at establishing an urban First Nation reserve to stimulate economic development.

Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies - a report with common sense recommendations

Enhancing Child Safety and Online Technologies:

To the Multi-State Working Group on Social Networking of State Attorneys General of the United States

Off-reserve housing and home ownership gets big boost by Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services

Press Release

OAHS Announces Over $20.4 Million in Funding

Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Oct. 19 - Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS) is pleased to announce $20.4 million in funding to deliver 144 units under the First Nation, Inuit, Métis Urban & Rural Housing (FIMUR) Rental Component Program.

First Nation health care being considered on Ontario's Rural and Northern Health Care Panel

Members of the public are now being asked to provide Ontario's Rural and Northern Health Care Panel with their thoughts about health care services. Please consider writing a short e-mail message to the panel answering the five questions being asked below ..

Write to

Ontario press release

Chiefs of Keewaytinook Okimakanak meet with staff and guests during board meeting

Chiefs of Keewaytinook meet in Dryden, Oct 14-15

Click here for Pictures from the meeting

Chiefs participating in the meeting included:

Governor General hosts Truth and Reconciliation Commission and survivors for healing ceremony

Truth and Reconciliation Commission gathers momentum at Rideau Hall

Marites N. Sison - staff writer - Oct 16, 2009

Celebrating the careers of First Nation people who are living and working in their community

Keewaytinook Okimakanak, as the Regional Management Organization for INAC's First Nation SchoolNet program is launching the web site.

E-careers is a new e-learning resource for First Nation students, schools and families to encourage and celebrate First Nation people who are living and furthering their careers in their community.

KERC District Education Directors' and Principals’ Training in Sioux Lookout - Oct 20 - 24

Click here to download the Education Directors' Agenda

Click here to download the Principals' Agenda


KERC District Principals’ Training Agenda
SUNSET SUITES, Sioux Lookout

Tuesday, Oct. 20

• Opening Prayer; Opening Remarks 

A1 Implementation of KERC Curriculum

Other countries recognizing the importance of broadband connections for their citizens

From CNN 

(CNN) -- Finland has become the first country in the world to declare broadband Internet access a legal right.

By Saeed Ahmed, CNN