Community News

No Funding for Aboriginal Healing Foundation programs supporting residential school survivors

Press release

No Funds Committed to Aboriginal Healing Foundation in Canada’s 2010 Federal Budget

March 05, 2010 (OTTAWA) – Today, the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (AHF) Board of Directors acknowledged Canada’s decision not to provide funds to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation in the 2010 Federal Budget.

This decision by the Federal Government means that a nation-wide network of one hundred and thirty-four community-based healing intitiatives will no longer have AHF support after March 31, 2010, when current funds run out.

5000 XO laptops being placed in the hands of partner First Nation children ages 6 to 12

The Belinda Stronach Foundation's Aboriginal Program Coordinator, Wendy Johnson, traveled to Sioux Lookout to meet with Keewaytinook Okimakanak on Wednesday, March 3. Karihwakeron Tim Thompson from the Assembly of First Nations Education team joined Wendy for this visit.

Canada announces support for UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

AFN Press Release

AFN National Chief encouraged by Canada's Commitment in Speech from the Throne to Endorse UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

OTTAWA, March 3 /CNW Telbec/ - Assembly of First Nations National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo said he is encouraged by Canada's commitment to endorse the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as stated in today's Speech from the Throne.

Videocom researchers travel to rural and remote First Nations to learn about use of technology

From WawatayNews Online

Video project seeks to understand First Nation use of technology

March 3, 2010 - by: Chris Kornacki

A group of researchers from the National Research Council of Canada hosted a community video festival in Mishkeegogamang First Nation Feb. 27.

The video festival was part of a new research initiative by the National Research Council of Canada. 

AFN National Chief writes about the importance of investing in First Nation youth

From the Toronto Star  

Education funding vital for native youth

Published On Mar. 2, 2010 -  Shawn A-in-chut-Atleo National Chief, Assembly of First Nations

Providing for a college or university education is never easy. Families must cope with the ever-rising costs of tuition, books and student housing. It’s an ongoing challenge for many of us.

Ontario government making promises for NAN First Nation traditional territory

NAN press release

NAN Reacts to McGuinty's Five-Year Plan which Promises Development in the Ring of Fire

THUNDER BAY, ON February 26, 2010: Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Stan Beardy is reacting to the Ontario Liberal government’s proposed five-year plan called ‘Open Ontario’ to be unveiled in the March 8, 2010 throne speech.

Among other promises, ‘Open Ontario’ includes a plan to develop a large chromite deposit in NAN territory in an area known as Ring of Fire.

National Social Work Month and Social Workers challenge everyone to end poverty in Canada

Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) and the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) press release

March 1, 2010

Global Health eLearning Center provides free public health courses for everyone


The USAID Global Health eLearning Center offers a menu of courses that learners from many disciplines and positions can use to expand their knowledge in key public health areas and access important up-to-date technical information. The eLearning Center is available at no cost to learners and can be accessed 24 hours a day from any place in the world.

Renewal of Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative required immediately - National Aboriginal Diabetes Association

From National Aboriginal Diabetes Association

Government Remains Mute Regarding Future Of The Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative

Winnipeg, Feb. 25 - With the sunset date for the Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative (ADI) rapidly approaching, the government has yet to confirm whether or not funding will continue after March 31st.


The ADI provides critical funding for community-led diabetes prevention and management programs and services to over 600 Aboriginal communities across Canada, where diabetes has reached epidemic levels.