60 First Nations opt out of 34 land-related sections of the Indian Act signing framework agreement

From CBC.ca

18 more First Nations sign land control deal

By Meagan Fitzpatrick, CBC News Posted: Apr 13, 2012

Eighteen First Nations communities today signed the official paperwork that allows them to opt out of land-related rules under the Indian Act, with the agreement giving them more control over their own resources.

First Nations' Education across Canada requiring a major overhaul and equitable funding

The Chiefs of Ontario were inspired to produce this video in support of the Shannen's Dream Campaign that is diligently working towards ensuring that Canada addresses the longstanding inequity between First Nations schools on reserve and their provincial/territorial counterparts. This inequity denies many First Nations children an opportunity to receive a culturally based education in a proper school. This video provides some background on Shannen Koostachin -- the founder of Shannen's Dream and the continuing work of many who carry on her legacy.

New Cell Phone Service launched in Attawapiskat First Nation with Keewaytinook Okimakanak


Attawapiskat Resources Inc. Launches New Cell Phone Service

Health Canada cuts funding for National Aboriginal Health Organization forcing closure by June, 2012


From NAHO.ca


The National Aboriginal Health Organization's (NAHO) funding has been cut by Health Canada. It is with sadness that NAHO will wind down by June 30,2012.

Federal government eliminates funding for First Nations Statistical Institute

From FNSI.ca