Toronto school donates books to KO First Nations

Sterling Hall School in Toronto, has donated thirty boxes of books to KO First Nations for use in their schools and community libraries. The books were recently received in KO's Thunder Bay office by Geordi Kakepetum.

Arrangements are now being made to distribute these books to the KO communities. For more information about these books, contact Brian Walmark at 877-737-5638 (KNET) ext 51260 or by e-mail at

to increase the number of books in school libraries in Ontario’s far north.

The books were accepted by Geordi Kakepetum at KO’s Thunder Bay sub office.  The books for children and youth will be transported to KO’s six member First Nation communities, including: Deer Lake, Fort Severn, Keewaywin, MacDowell Lake, North Spirit Lake and Poplar Hill.   The young adult books will be distributed via KiSH.

For more information, contact Brian Walmark at 1-877-737-5638 extension 51261