Women paddle to raise funds for the Raising the Children program fund

The Raising the Children program fund (http://raisingthechildren.knet.ca) is over $3500 richer today thanks to efforts of people who made pledges for 11 women and three children to paddle nearly 30km on Saturday and Sunday (Aug 21 and 22).

Preparing to leave

The paddlers included (from left to right) Jenny Morrow and her son Leo, Terri-Lynne Jewell, Iris Stunzi, Isabel Carpenter, Heidi Engel, Penny Carpenter, Florence Woolner, Serena Kenny and her daughter Chalise, Alliah Kenny, Kanina Terry, Stefanie Kenny and Leilani Redsky.

The women decided to make this fundraising trip in honour of the late Lorraine Kenny who developed and shared the Raising the Children program. Three of Lorraine's daughters (Leilani, Serena and Stefanie) and two of her grandchildren (Alliah and Chalise) made the trip to honour their mother's and kokum's work.

For more pictures check out http://media.knet.ca/v/2010-canoe-a-thon and follow the Raising the Children web site at http://raisingthechildren.knet.ca for stories and pictures.