Summer reading camps in remote First Nations get funding support from teachers' group

Press ReleaseĀ 

ETFO Pledges $225,000 over 5 Years to Aboriginal Summer Reading Camps - Lieutenant Governor's initiative now reaching over 5,000 youth in 29 fly-in communities

Toronto, Aug. 18 - The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO) today pledged $45,000 annually for the next five years to the Lieutenant Governor's Aboriginal Literacy Programs.

Lieutenant Governor David C. Onley and Grand Chief Stan Beardy of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) were on hand to accept ETFO's $225,000 commitment, which will help pay for summer reading camps and a book club for First Nations youth living in fly-in communities in Ontario's far north. The Federation has been a committed sponsor since the reading camps were founded five years ago.

"The success and impact of the Lieutenant Governor's Summer Reading Camps and the Lieutenant Governor's Club Amick Program encouraged ETFO members to renew and increase our financial commitment," said ETFO President Sam Hammond. "These programs are making a profound difference in inspiring and building the confidence of Aboriginal youth who live in Third World conditions."

"These two aboriginal literacy programs provide a great learning and self-development oriented opportunity that builds esteem, emphasizes the value of reading and, most importantly, reinforces a message that other Ontarians care about the fly-in communities and the people who live in them," said the Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

"I commend the ETFO for being the first organization to renew funding for this next phase of the Lieutenant Governor's Aboriginal Literacy Programs," said Grand Chief Stan Beardy. "Our young people face many challenges growing up therefore literacy and access to high-quality education are essential in providing a sense of hope for their future."

"ETFO's equity and social justice commitment is very important to our members. Through this project, we can help instil hope and desire for a better future among Aboriginal students," added Hammond.

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario represents 76,000 elementary public school teachers and education workers across the province and is the largest teacher federation in Canada.

For further information:

Valerie Dugale, (416) 948-0195 (cell);
Johanna Brand, (416) 948-2554 (cell);
Mary Morison, (416) 948-3406 (cell);
August 16-19 ETFO Media Centre, Sheraton Hall B, Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel
Phone: (416) 945-6296; Fax: (416) 945-6298