Canada Connects magazine celebrates KO's work with K-Net and KO Telehealth

The spring issue of Canada Connects celebrates the innovative work being done across Canada in the field of eHealth. The on-line version of the magazine that is scheduled to be on the news stands in June is now available. The centre spread recognizes the work being done by Keewaytinook Okimakanak in developing telehealth services in the Nishnawbe Aski Nation communities north of Sioux Lookout.

Check out the KO telehealth story on-line and the two KO visionaries who worked to develop these services (Geordi Kakepetum and Orpah McKenzie). The magazine and the KO Telehealth story also features other KO partners in the development of these innovative services (FedNor, Health Canada, NORTH Network, Bell Canada and others).