Lakehead University article about "smart classrooms" and its ATAC building

An article in IT Business features Lakehead University's new Advanced Technology and Academic Centre and its "smart classrooms". It also provides a good example of the capability of broadband (in this case using the ORION network) to change the way education is conducted in Ontario.

"A distance educator learns its lesson"

4/28/2004 5:00:00 PM - Lakehead University's first attempts to connect with remote students had some glitches, but a $44 million project has turned it into one of Canada's first truly multimedia schools. Find out how they moved to the head of the class.

Lakehead University has overcome its physical distance from the rest of Ontario with "smart classrooms" and an Advanced Technology and Academic Centre.

The Thunder Bay, Ont. university has eight undergrad and graduate programs available through distance learning, and runs a private IP network between it and a number of regional school boards whose classes are used in distance education.

ATAC director Bob Angell said the project started three years ago when the university was looking for ways to make better use of learning technologies ...

Click here to read the entire article.