Maori leaders meet with K-Net to discuss a network connecting their marae

On Sunday evening, Maori leaders from across New Zealand met to discuss among other things how video conferencing can be utilized to support training and economic development opportunities for their communities. The following message was sent from New Zealand following the meeting ...

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: A big fat THANKS!!
From:    "Tom Winitana"
Date:    Sun, April 18, 2004 9:33 pm

Hello again Brian,  :-)

I would like to once again express on behalf of our organisation and  our Marae Based Studies office, many many thanks for the giving of your  weekend and precious family time to speak to our people via video conferencing.  They will have seen a small example of an application in  action.  It will also give them some  appreciation of the technology  available when our team travel to these marae for engaging and consulting with the kaumatua (elders) and whanau (families) of the  marae.  Well Brian, the mind "boggles" just thinking about how far our  people and your people have come in terms of ICT.

Until we meet (VC) again, may your summer be a warm one and hopefully  any grass that you have left after the snow has melted will turn "Green"  :-D  

Cheers for now
