Northerners want educational opportunities in their home communities - survey

Almost 90% of Northern Ontario's residents prefer to stay in their home communities to pursue their education and training goals. This is one of the key findings of Survey 2003: Educational and Training Needs of Northern Ontario released today by Contact North/Contact Nord, Northern Ontario's Distance Education & Training Network. The survey results were obtained from interviews of 1000 random residents across Northern Ontario.


  1. The cost of education and a lack of available finances were of high importance to Northern Ontario respondents.
  2. Distance and travel were also of concern, as were issues related to availability of educators and having institutions in close proximity.
  3. The issue of distance dovetails the concern that was expressed over having Northerners leave the area to obtain training and education.
  4. There are also concerns with respect to technology and infrastructure gaps.
  5. There is significant demand in obtaining training or education, but a low level of satisfaction with what is available to them right now.
  6. In addition, most residents have not received any training in the past 24 months, and when they did, most received on the job training.
  7. Northern Ontario residents see the benefits of education and training especially with respect to improving themselves at their current job and preparing for the job market. These areas are most appealing, especially to young people and professionals.
  8. While interest was varied and strong with respect to a wide range of programs, the most interest was expressed in the areas of information technology, general interest and business and marketing.
  9. There is interest in the Contact North/
Contact Nord Distance Education & Training Network as a vehicle to learn and having it available would assist Northern Ontario residents to more likely take courses.
  • Distance education is seen as an alternative to traditional education.
  • The strongest message to the Network is the ability of having students stay in their own communities, rather than incur costly travel.
  • Click here to read the Executive Summary of the Needs Survey 2003 (in PDF only)

    Click here to read the full document of the Needs Survey 2003 (in PDF only)

    Click here to read the Contact North, April 5 press release.