Maori post-secondary organization connects with Keewaytinook Okimakanak

The academic directors of Te Wananga o Raukawa (TWOR) met with K-Net staff (Dan Pellerin, Network Manager and Brian Beaton, K-Net Coordinator) on Monday afternoon to discuss the history of K-Net and its work in First Nation communities. Click here to see some pictures.

Organized by Graeme Everton and Tom Winitana from the Te Putahi (the IT Centre of TWOR), several meetings with K-Net and participation in different on-line activities have taken place over the past three weeks. Te Putahi means "The Centre" and comes from the Indigenous Maori language of New Zealand. Te Putahi Whakawhiti Parongo (TPWP) is the centre of IT&T study established at TWOR to support its efforts to increase the uptake of IT&T amongst Maori.

Te Wananga o Raukawa (TWOR) is a tertiary institution providing education for Maori by Maori. TWoR is a unique centre of higher learning devoted to the world of Māori knowledge, (Mātauranga Māori). TWoR is a reformulation of an ancient Polynesian institution known as the whare wānanga which were tribal centres of higher learning. The method of teaching at Te Wānanga-o-Raukawa is based upon knowledge and wisdom passed on by our ancestors. Through our holistic approach to teaching and learning, you will experience a new and exciting journey into knowledge. Courses are based on group learning or 'hui', rather than through individual learning.

Contact information:
144 Tasman Rd, Ōtaki, P.O Box 119, Ōtaki Aotearoa, New Zealand
Phone: (64-6)364-7820 Fax: (64-6)364-7822
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