Day 1 of the on-line international KO Smart conference a grand success

Indigenous people from around the world gathered together on-line to share their stories and experiences with each other. The conference started with a video conferenced opening ceremony which was webcast over the net and included participants from across Canada and a team from New Zealand. The on-line meetings and presentations included guests and presenters from around the world.

Tomorrow's agenda (click here to view) promises to be just as exciting beginning with guests from Africia and the United States. Be sure to call into the different sessions by clicking here to get your telephone number and meeting passcode so you can listen and ask questions.

All the sessions and presentations from today's gathering are now archived and available for everyone's viewing (see below for links to these sessions).

  • Opening An interactive videoconference opening the conference involving Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff and our partners in ICT development. This event will also be webcast and accessible via the Gathering Home Page.
    Windows Media - Broadband Video - 300Kps
  • Keynote Address
    Managing ICT Development from the ground up
    North Spirit Lake e-Centre Manager Darlene Rae offers a personal overview of her work in ICT development in remote communities in Northern Ontario since 1995. View Archived Presentation
  • Community e-Centre Managers Forum
    What the SMART Project has meant in our community
    This forum features e-Centre Managers Oscar Meekis , Madeleine Stoney , Raymond Mason , Darlene Rae , and Susan Owen who high light in video and slides the rollout and impact of the SMART project in each of their communities. View Archived Presentation
  • Computers in Homes
    Kasmira Warbrooke and Melody Hare, Tuhoe Education Authority, Aotearoa, New Zealand View Archived Presentation
  • Using ICTs to strengthen the training of bilingual Mayan teachers: Lessons learned from Enlace Quiché.
    Domingo Camaja Santay and Andrew Lieberman. Enlace Quiche, Santa Cruz del Quiche, Guatemala (Bilingüe en español y en ingles) View Archived Presentation
  • Cultural Repurposing and its Issues
    Peter Radoll, PhD Candidate, Information Technology Department, Australian National University, staff - Information Systems School  View Archived Presentation
  • Telecentro TIC Calamarca
    Armando Lara Godoy, Operations Manager, AES Communications, SA, Bolivia and Gunter Zetesche, foundatino Eco Pueblo (Bilingüe en español y en ingles) View Archive