Spam and virus attacks on personal e-mail accounts

The number of e-mail messages that contain infected attachments is increasing at an alarming rate. These messages are flooding everyone's inbox and creating problems for the K-Net mail server to handle all these messages.

The only way to prevent these viruses from spreading further is to make sure everyone's computer has an up-to-date virus protection program. Please run an anti-virus protection program (for example, Norton or McAfee) to make sure your computer is not infected with these viruses. Then keep these programs updated to make sure you are protected against any incoming viruses.

Luke Sainnawap from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug shares his experience ...

"The program I find that helps me a lot is Trend - scan online [found at] - it is a free on-line virus scanner.

The netsky virus causes so much damage to one computer that I had to totally reformat it and reinstall XP. The music filing sharing is the killer - kaaza is a deadly program for computers. ... I am out an average of 3 times a week just doing  computer maintenance for people."

A number of messages are being sent concerning the amount of spam that is also filling everyone's mail inbox. Everyone can try to use the different filters that are available from the mail program but please understand that these filters can also remove wanted messages because of their content. It does take some trial and error to find out what works best for everyone. For myself, I manually delete all the spam messages based on the sender and subject line without even opening the message, in most cases.

I encourage everyone to share how they are coping with this latest attack on everyone's e-mail accounts.