Feasting and the Wilderness in Fort Severn

Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff and leaders are learning about Fort Severn and the people here by participating in various events. On Monday, June 4, Fort Severn families celebrated their annual spring feast out on the land in a clearing about 15 km northwest of the community. Pictures from the feast and along the Severn provide a small window into the actual event. (for some additional pictures)

On Tuesday, June 5, local Fort Severn band members, Angus Miles and Christine Thomas lead a group of Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff on another wilderness adventure. The experience provided everyone with a greater appreciation for the land and the people who live in this special and unique part of the country. Pictures from this experience show some of the parts of the trip and the awe-inspiring land and environment. (for some additional pictures)

That evening, Angus took a small group of hardy adventurers across the river to the Fort Severn goose camp for an overnight camping experience. Everyone said it was beautiful out there, BUT COLD!!Check out the pictures

Wednesday, June 6 was election day in Fort Severn. Angus took a group of KO staff up river to the first set of falls for exploring and fishing. Check out the pictures

After the results of the community election for chief and council were announced on the community TV channel, a square dance was held in the school gym (on our last evening in Fort Severn and Phyllis' birthday). Check out the pictures