Ontario CFDC award for Keewaytinook Okimakanak EcDev Video Conference Series

Congratulations to the community coordinators, presenters and participants in remote First Nations who have been leading the Online Economic Development Series through video conference. Ontario CFDC recognized KO, NADF and PARO with an Award of Excellence for the innovative series. Thank your Community Technician for making these events possible. 
View the summer 2010 series and archives

The video conference workshops are a place for remote community experts to share their ideas, stories and challenges with their peer and neighbors. Lyle Thomas, founder of WarCheif Apparel shared his story July 21, 2010 with youth who are considering working for themselves. Lyle described how he got started and what keeps him going. Lyle says he needed to keep trying and never give up. Working for himself in the most northerly remote First Nation in Ontario was possible he says by having access to the internet. "You have a good internet connection and you can do business anywhere." Thomas also mentioned that "working in my community where I can be connected to the land is best, I make art and my art comes from my home."
Last year, 37 video conferences were held with over 70 participants from 20+ rural and remote First Nations and communities connected for the training. Many of the events were hosted by the youth at Dennis Franklyn Cromarty High School where the Paul Martin Business Class students shared and learned with presenters and their peers in remote First Nations.

Business success doesn’t have to be owning a store, it can be selling art, fixing computers, making websites, cutting firewood or anything you do to work for yourself and your family. If you want to know what other community members are doing, join us at your community video conference site.

Check out the video FedNor made to describe the series