Eel Ground First Nation school brings FN students together

Monday's (February 23rd) Celebration of Technology was hosted by the Eel Ground First Nation school from New Brunswick.  The school celebrated their inclusion in SchoolNet's Network of Innovative Schools (NIS) by highlighting the students' and teachers' spirit of enthusiasm for education and technology.

Included in the event was a live video conference linking together a total of 10 additional sites from across the country. Students from 5 other First Nation NIS schools joined in the live videoconference which was webcast live by KNet. Students from Pelican Falls First Nations High School in Sioux Lookout joined this special event and showcased their innovation in the delivery a culturally appropriate technology and communication program for students. Students and staff participating in a wilderness dog sled adventure joined the event by satellite phone telling the audience about their work while a powerpoint presentation was scrolling by. The full archived webcast and live chat session is available for viewing by going to and clicking on the "Replay Eel Ground FN Innovative Schools Video Conference" to replay this entire event.

Prime Minister Paul Martin delivered a videotaped congratulatory message and AFN National Chief Phil Fontaine and Mi'kmaq Grand Chief Ben Sylliboy joined the group in person along with many other special guests.

Click here to view some of the pictures taken from the site in Sioux Lookout and of the live webcast.

And with all of the excitement about the Oscars, let's not forget about the Ochre Awards!  Click here to see the Atlantic RMO Helpdesk light-hearted approach and method of thanking all of those who made the Eel Ground Celebration of Technology such as a positive and historic event.  Wela'liog!

The agenda for this event follows:

  • Master of Ceremonies: Roger Augustine
  • 2:00 p.m. Honour Song, Emerson Francis & Chester Martin
  • Opening Prayer, Joyce Paul
  • O' Canada, Students directed by Marion Vicaire
  • Welcoming Address, Chief George Ginnish, Eel Ground First Nation

Guest Speakers

Phil Fontaine, National Chief, Assembly of First Nations
Elijah Harper, Former Federal MP
Shawn Graham, Liberal Opposition Leader
John Bernard, President, Donna Cona
Percy Barnaby, President, Abenaki Associates
Ross MacLeod, Industry Canada Representative

Congratulatory Messages

Ben Sylliboy, Grand Chief, Mi'kmaq Nation
Dougal MacDonald, Associate Director General, DIAND
T.J. Burke, MLA, Fredericton North
Paul Martin, Prime Minister (via video)

Live Video Conference

Network of Innovative Schools Participating:

Xit'olacw Community School
Mount Currie, British Columbia

Sally Ross School
La Ronge , Saskatchewan

Otter-Nelson River School
Cross Lake, Manitoba

Kitigan Zibi School
Manikwaki, Quebec

Eel Ground First Nation School
Eel Ground, New Brunswick

Pelican Falls First Nation School
Sioux Lookout.Ontario

Ulluriaq School
Kangiqsualujjuaq, Quebec


Publication: NB - New Brunswick Telegraph Journal 
Source: CED - All Cedrom Publications 
BY DERWIN GOWAN Telegraph-Journal 
Students at the Eel Ground Arrowhead School took a trip across Canada on Monday afternoon.

They did via a cross-country video conference in the gymnasium to mark the school's status as a member of SchoolNet's Network of Innovative Schools - with broadband/high-speed Internet and video conferencing access.

Eel Ground Arrowhead School has 84 students from kindergarten to Grade 8, all Mi'kmaq from Eel Ground First Nation on the Northwest Miramichi River.
Principal Peter MacDonald and his staff set up a computer laboratory in the school several years ago and, in 2001, won the silver award in the International Schools Cyberfair competition sponsored by 

Getting broadband and joining the SchoolNet network builds on this work.

The video conference Monday allowed the crowd in the school gymnasium to visit other aboriginal schools across Canada including Sally Ross School at La Ronge, Sask., Xit'oclacw Community School in Mount Currie, B.C., Kitigan Zibi School in Manikwaki, Que., Ulluriaq School at Kangiqsualujjuaq in the Arctic region of northern Quebec, and Pelican Falls First Nation School at Sioux Lookout, Ont.

The students at Pelican Falls First Nation School took the visitors from across the country to a winter camping trip by dogsled - making the link  with satellite telephone.

Those on hand in Eel Ground heard a recorded message from Prime Minister Paul Martin, delivered from Ottawa.

And, many dignitaries attended the event itself at Eel Ground. They  included Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine, Manitoba MLA Elijah Harper, New Brunswick Intergovernmental Affairs and International Relations Minister Percy Mockler, provincial Opposition Leader Shawn Graham - who delivered a few words in Mi'kmaq; and two successful aboriginal businessmen: John Bernard, a Maliseet from Madawaska First Nation who founded the technology company Donna Cona in Ottawa, and Percy Barnaby, a Mi'kmaq from Eel Ground with Abenaki Associates.

Abenaki Associates, founded in 1984, provides First Nations financial management systems, professional training, communications and automation and other services across Canada. The company has offices in Ottawa, Winnipeg and Eel Ground.

The youngsters in Arctic Quebec demonstrated traditional "throat singing." Mr. MacDonald, the principal at Eel Ground, said a few words to them in Inuktitut. (He taught in the Arctic in the past).

Mr. Fontaine recognized the importance of young people learning to use tools like high-speed Internet. "We're living in interesting times," he said. "There's a lot of talk about change and renewal . . . the radical transformation that's needed in Canada for First Nations people to assume their rightful place.

"I would be the last to minimize the accomplishments we are witnessing here today - wonderful," he said.

The day wrapped up with a traditional feast at the band office following the official ceremonies.

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Gilles Matthews
Media Monitoring/Press Clippings - Room 273D