Ontario government looks for public input on their Budget Town Hall web site

The Ontario government created an on-line "Budget Town Hall" to support "an unprecedented dialogue with Ontarians" as they prepare their budget. Check it out and contribute some thoughts about what the government's priorities should include.

There are several ways to ensure your thoughts and advice on the budget are conveyed to the government:

  • At http://townhallontario.gov.on.ca you will be able to fill out an online survey. You can also send in your own ideas and advice electronically at this site.
  • You can read and fill out the Budget Town Hall 2004 Discussion Guide (PDF - 442kb), available at your local Government Information Centre or by calling the toll-free hotline at 1-866-608-4824 (TTY Line 1-800-268-7095).
  • You can fax in your advice to 416-326-5348.
  • You can mail in your advice to:
    Delivering Change - Budget Town Hall 2004
    PO Box #40
    77 Wellesley Street West
    Toronto, ON M7A 1N3