Assembly of First Nations National Chief's report for July 2009 – July 2010

AFN National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo Report July 2009 – July 2010


In a few weeks we will gather at Winnipeg for our Annual General Assembly. Before that, it is my great honour to offer my first annual report to you the Chiefs and First Nation governments from across Canada.

You will also receive the Assembly of First Nation comprehensive annual report which includes detailed updates on all of the major issues, a full financial and organizational report as well as a report on progress made responding to all specific resolutions and your mandated direction. In this report, I wanted to take the opportunity to briefly reference the broader effort and strategy since I was humbled to take the role as National Chief in July 2009. 

This year has provided me the opportunity to travel throughout the many diverse Indigenous territories of this land. By meeting directly with so many of you, my role and that of the National Executive becomes so very clear. Indeed, as I said last year, AFN’s job is to open doors and then move out of the way. This understanding is essential to create the conditions so that First Nation governments themselves lead, shape and confirm solutions that protect and confirm their rights and interests today and for the future.

The role as a national advocacy organization given the overwhelming challenges that confront our people on a daily basis is an enormous task and undertaking. It has meant working very closely with the National Executive to strategically plan and maximize our collective efforts. It has taken us to Parliament – appearing before dozens of Parliamentary committees bringing forward the interests and facilitating access for First Nation voices to be heard. It has meant building relationships across governments, federally and provincially as well as internationally. It has also meant advocacy directly with Canadians, with corporations and with organizations to continually raise the profile of our issues.

Throughout all of these efforts, the voices of our people are front and center. Whether the thousands of young people gathered in Saskatchewan at the 2010 Winter Games, the leadership carefully debating important issues at Assemblies I have attended throughout the country, the many schools filled with bright faces yet challenging conditions or when I have had the privilege to join you in ceremony, I clearly see the imperative for action and the resilience of our peoples, our rights, languages and cultures.

Accomplishments 2009-2010

To summarize accomplishments this past year, the following general headings apply:

  1. Strengthening and stabilizing AFN

  2. Confirming AFN’s role and focus as an advocacy organization

  3. Opening doors for First Nations and setting proactive agenda with Governments

  4. Relationship building and developing alliances for support

  5. Increasing dialogue and building consensus

Through these foundational actions, we have also achieved specific results in 2009-2010 including the reversal of Canada’s opposition to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and growing support for the imperative of investment in First Nations education. These results will be vigorously pursued setting an agenda for 2010-2011. ...

Looking Ahead to 2010/11

Looking ahead to 2010/11, I look forward to your mandate and direction.

We will continue efforts begun this first year to broaden our reach and deepen our message. Using the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a framework of minimal standards we will advance a work plan of action needed.

We will continue our efforts under the mandate of the National Year of Action with specific strategies and targets. Through your direction, we will advance a Treaty strategy to support Treaty nations to implement all aspects of the Treaty relationship. We will look for specific outcomes on education including language immersion and protection, the reform of the comprehensive claims policy, strengthening health governance, and clearly asserting our jurisdiction and interests in regard to the current legislative agenda before Parliament.

Carrying forward the strategic plan, we will continue to seek opportunities to engage broadly recognizing the important role of Elders and veterans, youth and women as well as looking to build an urban strategy. We will also continue to emphasize the need for healing among our people through the full implementation of the Apology to survivors of residential schools. We will raise the profile of infrastructure and housing problems facing our communities and press for sustainable solutions and partnerships. We will also look to advance our economic and energy interests through a major national Summit planned for next spring. Climate change and environmental concerns will become increasingly important and we will ensure our Nations are included in building solutions.

These issues will help frame our agenda based on your deliberations and your direction. It has been my honour and privilege to serve you this year and I look forward to our continued work together.

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