KO staff presents to Federal Broadband Interdepartmental Working Group

Members of the Keewaytinook Okimakanak team met today with the Federal government's Broadband Interdepartmental Working Group (BBIWG). KO staff shared stories and priorities identified in our region and through our work as the Ontario Regional Management Organization for Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program.

The BBIWG is chaired by Ross MacLeod, Director General, IHAB Programs and brings together department leads in connectivity issues for all federal government departments. Click here to see picture of Ross and the SchoolNet's team to the Sioux Lookout area.

Suzanne Robert, Manager of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet program, and her team worked with KO's Lars Dixon to bring the folks located in Ottawa with three RMO sites (Sask/Alberta,  Manitoba and Ontario). Lars rans the system tests with the folks at the Ottawa site before the meeting and then managed the video bridge from Balmertown throughout the session. The Ottawa site dialed into the Kuh-ke-nah Broadband Network through the K-Net gateway and was able to join the three RMO sites that are connected over their broadband IP connections on K-Net (see the picture of the five sites below).

Handouts for the meeting participants included the series of K-Net Case Studies (click here to go to the multi-media flash presentation that also contains the PDF files of each of these case studies) as well as an updated presentation about the Kuh-ke-nah Broadband Network (click here to see a copy of the network description).