Chiefs of KO discussing grassroot development strategy in First Nations for organization

KO Chiefs are gathering in Winnipeg this week to discuss ways in which the tribal council can better serve the grassroots. The Chiefs said they are overall pleased with the work of the tribal council and specifically praised K-Net, KOTM, KiHS, KORI and the Water Treatment Training Programme.

“Geordi has done a lot for the communities,” said one Chief.

However, they are discussing better ways of doing business for the organization.

They want KO to get back to its roots. They want the tribal council to take concrete steps that will ensure that community members feel a stronger sense of ownership over KO. They want the KO Board of Education to become operational immediately. They want KOSS and KiHS to work together cooperatively. The KO Chiefs want to strongly encourage all grade nine and ten students to enroll in KiHS. Any KO student that insists on going south should be strongly encouraged to pursue their education in Dryden, not in Thunder Bay or Sioux Lookout where they have been mishaps.

Click here for some pictures from the meeting