On-line "games" arcade is an instant hit with Knetters

Twenty-eight on-line games are now available at http://games.knet.ca for those people who want to relax and enjoy an innocent game of trying to better the scores of their friends and fellow Knetters (or is it Knerds, as some people refer to themselves). Jesse always threatened to create this site for everyone and it took one restless night to pull it all together.

After one day, it looks like this on-line arcade might get some people off the chat lines and into the games room. On its first day of operation it looks like this particular set of games were played 2860 times!

Have fun everyone ... BUT be sure to get your work done, eh ...

Write to Jesse Fiddler or sign the guestbook on the Games site with your suggestions if you find any other Public Domain games that you think people would enjoy.