Eighteen First Nation Grade 8 classes sign up for Math supplementary program

First Nation students from one end of the province to the other will be starting an eight week on-line Math supplementary course starting Monday, January 19.

Eighteen First Nation schools have registered their grade 8 classes for the on-line math supplementary course material (click here to view the map and list of First Nations signing up for this support service). Fernando Oliveira is the course / program coordinator (click here to find out more about Fernando who use to work in Fort Severn and Poplar Hill as a KiHS teacher).

Click here to see a PDF document providing an overview of this innovative on-line project detailing:

  • the program background information,
  • school and student requirements,
  • program schedule (2003/2004 School Year),
  • how the program works,
  • personalizing the program,
  • student participation,
  • lesson marking strategy,
  • teacher preparation tasks.

This initiative is being facilitated by Keewaytinook Okimakanak as part of Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet Regional Management Organization initiative. This program is offering a number of innovative support services for First Nation schools across Ontario including school and community web site development training workshops, video conferencing pilot projects, hardware and software acquisition support, broadband and high speed connectivity solutions and toll-free helpdesk support.

Click here to learn more about Industry Canada's SchoolNet services and program and about the 7,000 on-line learning resources available to support schools, students and teachers in using these communication tools.

Click here to visit the First Nations SchoolNet web site.

Click here to visit the Grassroots program that provides classrooms with funding for developing on-line activities and resources.