First Nations SchoolNet Web Site Construction Workshop in Thunder Bay

Keewaytinook Okimakanak staff hosted another Post Nuke training session for First Nation school webmasters in Thunder Bay on January 15 and 16. Brian Walmark, KO's SchoolNet Special Projects Coordinator arranged for participants and workshop facilitators to come together to begin the production of another set of portals for the First Nation schools that sent a staff member to learn about setting up and managing their school's web site. Click here to see some pictures from the workshop.

Check out the portal to find the links to the First Nation schools that are creating and maintaining their local web sites. News stories about different services and developments from Industry Canada's First Nations SchoolNet Ontario Regional Management Organization can be found at this site.

Industry Canada officials who were visiting K-Net in Sioux Lookout and the KO management team from Balmertown dropped in via video to meet the workshop participants.